primary 5 english

2007-11-09 10:07 pm
I'm very large.There are a lot of books inside me.People take the books to ghe counter but they dont pay for them. They only give the staff a card.

What am I?_____________________

回答 (5)

2007-11-09 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a library
2007-11-10 2:41 am
因為佢話People take the books to ghe counter but they dont pay for them. They only give the staff a card.
參考: 我同做過~我發誓我冇抄上面D答案
2007-11-09 10:37 pm
I am a library.
2007-11-09 10:16 pm

You must be a Library (圖書館)
參考: me
2007-11-09 10:12 pm

2007-11-09 14:17:41 補充:
唔係,應該係library因為佢話佢自己好龐大,有好多書係我入面,人們可以拿取圖書,去借書櫃台到借,但係不用繳付金錢去買,他們只需給一張証所以我覺得係 ' 圖書館 '

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