夏威夷結他(四弦結他) 怎樣彈奏呢?

2007-11-09 6:29 pm
夏威夷結他(四弦結他) 是怎樣彈奏呢?
我本身係彈木結他(六弦), 有一次我o係琴行拎支四弦結他, 無從入手, 是否可以噤chord 定只有solo 彈呢?

回答 (1)

2007-11-09 8:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
彈木結他well doesnt mean you can just buy a 夏威夷結他 & learn by urself unless u are very gifted to music also music is never you can learn enough always got something new to learn on music skill u can ask u teacher if you learn by a teacher we dont want to give u a lots of information that is not helpful for u , or after u fellow the method from others u might learn it wrong , always ask u teacher u teacher know what u level & skill technique what u need

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