What do seahorse eat??? plz~

2007-11-09 6:19 pm
What do seahorse eat??? plz~What do seahorse eat??? plz~What do seahorse eat??? plz~What do seahorse eat??? plz~

回答 (2)

2007-11-09 8:08 pm
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What do seahorse eat???
Seahorses feed on small living animals such as daphnia, cyclops, larvae of water insects, or mysids

Others information about seahorses as below:
-Seahorses gained international protection on May 15, 2004
-What do South American Spider Monkeys, Ringtail Opossums and seahorses have in common? They all have prehensile tails.
-Seahorses are members of the Teleost suborder, or bony fish.
-Seahorses usually live in the tropics or along temperate coasts.
-The average height of a full-grown sea horse is 2-8 inches.
Seahorses also vary in color, including orange, red, yellows, grey, and greens.
-Seahorses can come in patterns like “zebra stripes” and spots.
-Seahorses change color to blend in with their surroundings.
-Seahorses feed on small living animals such as daphnia, cyclops, larvae of water insects, or mysids.
-Seahorses like to swim in pairs linked by their tales.
-Seahorses cannot curl their tails backwards.
-Seahorses belong to the vertabra group, meaning they have an interior skeleton.
-The small dorsal fins propel it through the water in an upright position, while it beats them back and forth, almost as fast as a humming bird flapping its wings.
-Seahorses usually mate under a full moon.
-The pectoral fins control turning and steering. When resting, the seahorse curls its tail around seaweed, to keep it from floating away...
-Seahorse natural predators are crabs, tuna, skates and rays.
-Seahorses are loyal and mate for life.
-During mating, the Seahorses utter musical sounds.
-The female deposits eggs into the male’s small pouch, and then leaves. Out of the entire animal kingdom, these are the only animals in which the male has babies!
-Twenty-five million seahorses a year are now being traded around the world - 64 percent more than in the mid-1990s - and environmentalists are increasingly concerned that the booming trade in seahorses is putting the creatures at risk.
2007-11-09 11:40 pm





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