
2007-11-09 7:10 am

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2007-11-09 7:22 am
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以下係一d yahoo!知識+既答案


可以學識一d grammar..一d新既字..都唔錯..

I suggest you to do the following step-by-step:

1) Get an exercise book on writing sentences. Do the exercises. Find out how good your knowledge on english grammer and sentence construction.

2) Get books on English Grammer and keep learning.

3) Get books on "Practical Use of English", "Learner Dictionary", then "Advanced Learner Dictionary"...e tc. From these books, you can learn how words are used and how sentences are constructed.

4) At the same time, read some story books, easy ones first (those books you can 80% understood). Note how the writer used the words in the sentences. Make some notes on some interesting sentences, such as sentences describing things......

5) Later on, read some story books which you are only 50% understood. Make notes on difficult words (find out their meanings and constructions) and interesting sentences. Note how the writer described things in a paragraph or in a chapter.

6) at the same time, read some articles in the english Newspapers. I mean short articles such as "Writer's Columns", short story, ...... any articles that are short. If you find any one which interested to you, cut it out and again, make notes on words and sentences as above steps.

7) Get some books on "how to write". There is a technique on "writing". You can join classes on this or get books and learn it yourself. In writing, you need to learn how to organise your thoughts, your objection, how to make your story interesting etc.

8) Dream of any titles and just write....and edit it yourself....and rewrite.....and re-edit....until you are satisfied with it. Get advice on it from someone good in english. Learn your mistakes. Make notes........Then write again on other titles...... and again.

9) Now you will find that writing english is just a piece of cake (but writing good composition is very difficult....keep trying.....o.k.?

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