英文句子改正救助 [ + 20要

2007-11-09 7:09 am
我有幾句句子改極都唔岩 , 但係我又唔知錯係邊
(1) he likes to help others , like ( help ) some Africa poor poorpeople .
(2) ( he work ) very hard to be to singer .
(3) When he ( was lose ) , he ( never give ) up . ( He always try ) his best .
(4)you are not suitable being ( the ) torchbearer ,
 you will be hurt easily ( when you started your trip ) .
(5) Bearing in mind the interest of your health and ( safe )
(6) 我仲想要一句可以做終結 , 內容大約如下 :
 希望各下可以節哀順變 , 並再次為未能成功申請而致歉 .
 望各下能身體健康 .
如果唔請可以問 , 唔該

回答 (1)

2007-11-09 7:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
The following answers are in uk english

1- He likes to help others, for example the unprivileged people in Africa
2- He works very hard t be a singer
3- When he looses, he never gives up, he always tries his best
4- You are not suitable for being the torchbearer because you will be hurt easily once you've started your trip.
5- Bearing in mind the interest of ypur health and safety
6- We would like to apologize for your unsuccessful application this time. Best wishes for your future.
( Western people do not wish other people 身體健康 and tell them to 節哀順變 in their rejection letters)

Hope this helps

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