Molar Volume

2007-11-09 5:24 am
Please help me to solve the question. Thx a lot.

1(a) If 100 cm^3 of carbon dioxide is formed in the reaction, what volume of oxygen is needed to react with excess carbon?
1(b) If air contains 20% oxygen, calculate the volume of air needed to give 100cm^3 of carbon dioxide(All volumes are measured at the same temperature and pressure.)

回答 (1)

2007-11-09 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1)(a) Termperature and Pressure are constant
C(s) + O2(g) --> CO2(g)
mole ratio between oxygen and carbon dioxide = 1:1
n(CO2) / n(O2) = V(CO2) / V(O2)
1 = 100cm^3 / V(O2)
Volume of oxygen used = V(O2) = 100cm^3
Volume of oxygen used = 100cm^3
Volume of air used up = Volume of oxygen used / 20%
= 100cm^3 / 20%
= 500 cm^3 of air used up
參考: My calculation

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