F.2 mahs easy

2007-11-09 12:48 am
Estimate the values if the following and state the estimation strategies used.

1) 161.46 x 0.49

2) 305.73 x 0.33

3) 179.8 x 0.68

回答 (5)

2007-11-09 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 161.46 x 0.49 (rounding)
= 160 x 0.5
= 80

2) 305.73 x 0.33 (rounding)
= 305 x 0.3
= 91.5

3) 179.8 x 0.68 (rounding)
= 200 x 0.7
= 140
參考: 自己
2007-11-09 3:18 am
1) 161.46 x 0.49
= 79.1154

2) 305.73 x 0.33
= 100.8909

3) 179.8 x 0.68
= 122.264
2007-11-09 1:06 am
1)161.46 x 0.49
161.46 x 0.49 ~ 160 x 0.5
160 x 0.5 = 80
161.46 x 0.49 ~ 80

2) 305.73 x 0.33
305.73 x 0.33 ~ 300 x 0.3+ 6 x 0.3
300 x 0.3+ 6 x 0.3 = 91.8
305.73 x 0.33 ~ 91.8

3) 179.8 x 0.68
179.8 x 0.68 ~ 180 x 0.7
180 x 0.7 = 126
179.8 x 0.68 ~ 126
2007-11-09 12:57 am
1) 161.46 x 0.49
= 79.1154

2) 305.73 x 0.33
= 100.8909

3) 179.8 x 0.68
= 122.264
2007-11-09 12:56 am

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