
2007-11-09 12:00 am
Method,Mix,Boil,saucepan,Stir,well,Serve,Utensils,teaspoon,small bowl,cup and plate,
tablespoon,large bowl,measuring jug,milk saucepan,Sago,slices,Whole milk,Coconut milk,Nata de Coco,Tbsp,syrup,aside,Prepare,stir,occasionally,Turn,heat,cover,transparent,rinse,drain,
stone,mangoes,dice,blend,sacs,slices,ingredients,together,well,chill,serve,serrated knife,small steel plate,mixing bowl,plastic chopping board,wooden spoon,soup ladle,
soup bowl,

回答 (2)

2007-11-09 12:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Most of them can be looked up from dictionaries...

this is the one you may not find it in the dictionary, here you are:
Nata de CoCo 椰果

help yourself:
2007-11-09 1:06 am

2007-11-09 10:56:50 補充:
method做法 Mix混合 Boil煲滾 Stir炒 teaspoon茶匙 small bowl細盆 cup and plate茶杯和碟tablespoon湯匙 large bowl湯盆 measuring jug量杯 milk saucepan煮奶鍋 Whole milk全脂奶

2007-11-09 11:07:02 補充:
Coconut milk 椰子奶 Prepare 預備 heat熱 cover蓋住stone硬 mangoes大量芒果 slice鑊鏟 together一齊 knife刀 small steel plate細鐵盤 mixing bowl粉盆/調拌缽 plastic choppoing board膠砧板 wooden spoon木匙 soup ladle湯杓 soup bowl湯杓

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