
2007-11-08 10:19 pm
例如:it's=it is
那麼 she'd=???

我在TEST中MISS話我错了這兩個,由其係he's 我寫左he is ,但她話我錯

help me ~~thank so much.~!^

回答 (4)

2007-11-08 10:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Depends on the contexts

She'd can be
1. She had
She'd died. = She had died.

2. She would
She'd rather dance with you . = She would rather dance with you.

He's can be
1. He is
He's a doctor. = He is a doctor.

2. He has
He's gone = He has gone.
參考: sweetie
2007-11-09 8:58 am
she'd = she had or she would
he's = he is or he has
There is no contraction for "he was".
"他的" = his not he's
2007-11-08 11:31 pm
he's 可以系"他的"
2007-11-08 10:29 pm
he's 可能係 he was 的, 不一定係 is

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