
2007-11-08 7:43 pm

唔該哂各位嘅答案~ 但咁其實呢簽證有咩限制?係咪個個都可以簽證,會唔會唔批呢?點解會唔批呢?

回答 (4)

2007-11-08 10:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. You have to decide
When? How long?
Join tour? Buy package plus car rental? Ticket only? (Take less thing if jour tour).
Accompany - alone, with friends or visit friends?

2. Get the visa and book the ticket

3. Check the weather report. If it is winter, you have to bring more clothes and personal items (money, cream, watch, camera, sunglasses, umberlla, etc.), If it is summer, you have to bring summer clothes plus a jacket and personal items (as above). If you go to the west coast in summer, it is dry, you have to bring moisturizer.

4. Read the travelling book, Web site and plan your trip. Bring the plan with you.

5. Enjoy the holiday! =)

*** 翠明假期--行李清單
(This is just for reference. Remember: You are having a holiday, not moving to US, you don't need to bring too many things =)).
1. 行李
行李箱(大), 行李箱(小), 腰包, 手袋, 背囊, 證件袋
2. 衣物
大褸, 裙, 手套, 羽絨, 運動衫褲, 雨衣, 毛衣, 睡衣褲, 波鞋, 防水風褸, 內衣褲, 輕便鞋
長袖衫, 泳衣, 行山鞋, 短袖衫, 帽, 保暖鞋, 長褲, 襪, 布鞋, 短褲, 頸巾, 拖鞋
眼鏡, 防曬用品, 梳, 太陽眼鏡, 潤唇膏, 鬚刨/剃鬚膏, 鬧鐘, 毛巾 / 手巾, 女性用品
萬能插頭, 牙膏, 紙巾, 變壓器, 牙刷, 暖手器, 鎖, 護膚用品, 水樽, 小型電筒, 沐浴露 食具, 雨具, 洗頭水, 乾糧, 萬用刀 / 剪刀, 洗衣粉, 輕便煮食爐具, 針線包, 晾衣架,
打火機, 扣針, 衣夾, 小型水壺, 風筒, 指甲鉗, 睡袋
4. 藥物
膠布, 止痛藥 ﹝如必理痛﹞, 喉糖, 繃帶, 感冒藥, 消化餅, 止血劑, 止咳藥, 蚊怕水
藥油, ﹝如白花油﹞, 腸胃藥, 止瀉藥, 個人藥物
5. 文具
紙, 計算機, 膠紙, 筆, 手提電腦, 地圖, 記事簿, 指南針, 交通時刻對照表, 電子記事簿 橡皮圈
6. 休閒
相機, 鏡頭, 遊戲機, 後備電池, 手提攝錄機, 書/旅遊書, 菲林, 紙牌, CD/MD機
7. 重要文件
身份證及影印本, 信用咭, 身體檢查報告, 護照及影印本, 國際學生證, 保險單或副本
公司信, 火車證, 證件相, 國際駕駛執照, 飛機票, 親友聯絡地址電話, 旅行支票, 針紙/痘紙
參考: Myself, lived in US. 翠明假期
2007-11-08 7:55 pm
the information about the place (s) you like to visit.
booklets, maps, brochures.....etc
2007-11-08 7:54 pm
2007-11-08 7:54 pm
簽證 ----- 無美國簽證有錢都無用.

2007-11-08 11:56:46 補充:
http://chinese.hongkong.usconsulate.gov/niv_apply.html 上去看看

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