Sales 想轉行

2007-11-08 10:23 am
我f.7 畢業,但A-LEVEL 只有中英PASS
做左SALES 4年,現於一間名牌店做SALES做左一年,人工average $16000,想轉行,但又想搵返份有$15000 ,有邊行岩我?
thanks !

回答 (5)

2007-11-08 1:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Go for continuing education and improve your knowledge to strengthen your skill, then your wish may come true after. Some certificates (administration course, secretary course, and other business course) are very useful for you to "sell" yourself to other industry.

With 4 yrs sales exp, you can go for many industries but is just that you maybe lack of higher educational background. If you do have, you could try for supervisory grade and that should have at least $15,000 or more.

Good Luck and Best Wishes. :P
2007-11-08 10:02 pm
對營養或美容顧問有興趣嗎? 我可以寄資料比你參考, email 給我 [email protected]
2007-11-08 4:40 pm
工作有關推廣及跟進客戶工作 , 時間彈性
[email protected]
2007-11-08 10:34 am
financial planner
2007-11-08 10:31 am

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