
2007-11-08 8:28 am
首先我想講呢個紀錄片講D咩,之後講呢套片想帶出D咩資訊俾讀者,最後會講我對呢套片o既感受.呢套戲系講有關季侯鳥o既資料和習性. 每年的秋天 ,季侯鳥就會飛去d較暖o既地方過冬.
看完這齣戲, 覺得自己站在地球上十分渺小.而大自然就很偉大.所以我地應該保護這個大自然.整出戲沒有甚麼高低起伏,有點沉悶,但套戲用o左好多配音.扮各種季侯鳥說話..這種表達的方法是十分好的.我會推薦呢套戲俾朋友,因為佢帶出o左對人生應有o既態度.

回答 (2)

2007-11-08 6:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To start off, I would like to talk about this video record, and then talk about what message this set of video gives to its audience. Finally, I would talk about my reflection upon this video record.
This video talks about季侯鳥's facts and habits. Every autumn, 季侯鳥would fly to a warmer place for the winter. (also known as migrating)
In this movie, not only does it tell the audience more about 季侯鳥, it also brings in a deep understanding of a moral in our life. There were a few morals that reflected upon me. One of them is that no matter how hard it is to fly all the way to a warmer place, it looks like fun to them. It just depends on how they fly, the understanding of flying. Of course, no matter if it's 季侯鳥or us, both will have heavy and light times. But if we only look at it in a different angle, everything will be turned into a perfect shape. No matter what happens, as long as we have the heart to do so, nothing can defeat us. Also, it also says, "when 季侯鳥want to give up, love will become their power, giving them the strength to fly again." In the real life, everyone will fall once in a while, but if we don't give up, we can still stand up no matter how badly we fell.
After watching this movie, I feel that I'm a very small part of this world and that the nature is so big. That's why we should protect the beautiful nature around us. This whole movie didn't have much of an excitement, in fact, it's a little bit boring; but it used a lot of different voices to pretend that the birds are talking. This type of expressing thoughts is very good. I will recommend this movie to my friends, because it gives people a positive attitude towards their life.
2007-11-09 6:23 am
To start off, I would like to talk about this video record, and then talk about what message this set of video gives to its audience. Finally, I would talk about my reflection upon this video record.
This video talks about it's facts and habits. Every autumn, it would fly to a warmer place for the winter. (also known as migrating)
In this movie, not only does it tell the audience more about it, it also brings in a deep understanding of a moral in our life. There were a few morals that reflected upon me. One of them is that no matter how hard it is to fly all the way to a warmer place, it looks like fun to them. It just depends on how they fly, the understanding of flying. Of course, no matter if it's it or us, both will have heavy and light times. But if we only look at it in a different angle, everything will be turned into a perfect shape. No matter what happens, as long as we have the heart to do so, nothing can defeat us. Also, it also says, "when it want to give up, love will become their power, giving them the strength to fly again." In the real life, everyone will fall once in a while, but if we don't give up, we can still stand up no matter how badly we fell.
After watching this movie, I feel that I'm a very small part of this world and that the nature is so big. That's why we should protect the beautiful nature around us. This whole movie didn't have much of an excitement, in fact, it's a little bit boring; but it used a lot of different voices to pretend that the birds are talking. This type of expressing thoughts is very good. I will recommend this movie to my friends, because it gives people a positive attitude towards their life.
參考: dictatary

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