Can anyone tell me what the salary is for an actress that graduated from julliard?

2007-11-08 3:40 am
i'm in the 8th grade and am trying to find information about my future career but i really can't find anything. i want to know what the least education that is needed to launch into the acting world. PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (3)

2007-11-08 6:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
An actor's salary has nothing to do with education and everything to do with marketability. You can graduate from any top school and have no professional resume and in that case you will make scale wages. If you happen to be in a project that makes bank at the box office or a tv show that hits big with the Nielsen's then your marketability goes up therefore your asking price goes up. The reason you go to one school or another is becuase you like their program and what they have to offer you in the way of education. Yes, certain agents or producers and directors will be more impressed by certain schools but your talent and look will still be the deciding factors overall.

Still, I'm impressed that in 8th grade you care enough to think about it at all. Good luck. If you happen to live in NY, look into pre-Juilliard.

Again, good luck.
2007-11-08 6:42 am
No education is necessary. But it doesn't hurt. There is absolutely no guarantee that anyone will make a living acting. Thousands of people try to pursue the career and only a small handful ever make money.
Talent is very important, but so are looks, ambition, who you know and finally the most critical thing is just plain luck. And you can't go to school to learn luck.
If you want to be an actress, you should read every play you can get your hands on, study every kind of acting method is out there, learn to sing, learn to dance and stay as healthy as you can. And in the meanwhile, you should learn another skill, that will allow you to live a comfortable life while you wait to be lucky.
Good luck,
參考: 25 years in the business.
2007-11-08 5:17 pm
Really difficult to find your answer. Consider that Robin Williams and Christopher Reeve studied at Julliard and becomae huge stars and millionaires.

The college ed you need is 0. Experience is more important and professional classes is next.

read my profile and contact me at may aol address, I may have some good info for you.
參考: I am a retired actor who helps people become actors

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