Tips on nervousness b4 and during presentations?

2007-11-07 10:43 pm
I have a presentation tommorrow and i am nervous, does anyone have any tips on how i can help myself because i am going crazy. I feel this heavy load dragging my heart and its so annoying. I just want to get it over with. Any tips will be great thanks alot!

回答 (10)

2007-11-07 10:50 pm
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The best way to create a sense of ease while to really know your material. If you've done your "homework," and are confident about the'll be way more comfortable and relaxed on the spot.
Two tricks:..............handouts and powerpoint (if you have access)
A well-done handout will give your audience something to see that's related to the material...........and it will give them something to look at besides you.
Powerpoint presentation for 2 reasons...........
1. in creating one, you're forced to organize your information
2. It keeps you on track.

Some speakers like to cuff an extended paperclip in their hand, because the audience can't see it......and it somehow gives them focus.
I never did that.
Peace & good luck
2007-11-07 10:51 pm
The more you think about getting nervous, the more nervous you will be; that's just how the mind works. When you think about nervousness, you're reinforcing it and make it stronger.
One good way is slow talk. Talk slowly will claim yourself. It works for me.
2007-11-07 10:47 pm
when you go up start readings your reports backwards and say you have stress induced dyslexia and then if they dont believe you start crying or something

by the way dont pretend people are naked because if there are any hot girls in your class you will become all happy in the pants while you are standing up and everyone will think you are a loser
2007-11-07 10:51 pm
Don't drink any water. Know that you may be nervous for the first few minutes, but then will feel better after a bit. If you think you are going to be nervous, you will be. While I was in the FFA(Future Farmers of America), I won the state public speaking competition. Getting up and speaking in front of hundreds of people is nerve wracking, trust me, I get it. But the more you think of yourself confident and in control, that is how you will end up being. Truthfully, a lot of it is perception, and how they perceive you. If you act like you are the most confident person in the world, they will see that, even if you don't feel like it. You need to present the image of confidence and knowledge, and that is how they will see you.

Good luck tomorrow!
2007-11-07 10:50 pm
It's very nerveracking for anyone to have to give a presentation. So what I do, to resolve all my nerves, is eat a relaxing meal, dress in something that I feel comfortable in, yet is presentable, and practice in front of a mirror. This helps because I know how I look and can see what I can improve on. But definitely practice doing the presentation atleast five times or more to get the flow of it where it just rolls off your tongue with ease. :) Good luck!
2007-11-07 10:50 pm
Practice you're presentation now until you can do it almost from memory. The more confident you are about the material the more confident you will be delivering your presentation.
2007-11-07 10:48 pm
Make sure you know your presentation inside and out. If you are confident in this, your confidence will shine through and you will breeze through this stressful time with shining colours. Relax....don't spend all night worrying about it. They are just people interested in what you have to say to them. You will be fine. Have fun with it.
2007-11-07 10:48 pm
I get pretty nervous before presentations, too. The most important thing is to be prepared and know your material. Also, don't use any props that will amplify your nervousness. For instance, I tried to make a latte in front of the class, but my hands were shaking so badly that I couldn't fill the little cup with the ground up coffee beans. One more thing to do is practice in front of a friend or the mirror, and do it a few times.
2007-11-07 10:47 pm
try to go to the room where you will give it early. Go through it in your mind before hand. No one knows you are nervous. They all think you are fine.
2007-11-07 10:47 pm
When I'm nervous about a presentation, I make sure I'm familiar with the material. If I've done that part and still feel nervous, I just imagine the audience NAKED. This helps me feel relaxed..with just a bit of humor. Both relaxation and humor are transmitted through my voice. Try it ;-)

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