
2007-11-08 4:50 am
如果有個車位. $14.25萬, 月租 $900, 管理費$89/MTH, 差響~$300/QT.

想問呢個CASE的回報律係幾多呀?? 以車位來講又O 唔OK?

回答 (2)

2007-11-08 5:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
車位價 142,500
年租 900*12 = 10,800
支出 (89*12) + (300*4) = 2,268
10,800 - 2,268 = 8,532
年利率為 5.98%

回報率尚可 但你應再減除 如果你將 該筆車位價放在銀行的利息
2007-11-09 1:40 am
the previous gentleman's reply is based on you paid the 142,500 in full.

If you mortgage the carparking lot. the cauclation is a little bit different. It involves interest rates of loan and expenses due to that. So the returns provided by the previous gentleman's is just a max.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:22:09
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