
2007-11-08 2:03 am
約200字英文鬼故 ... 功課用 急

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2007-11-08 2:42 am
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Hi you may have remembered me from the last story I sent. As I said in my last story many things have happened to me and my family and some times still occur. The story I’m about to tell you also happened a long time ago. It was a story my mom told me about when she was a child.

Again, as I also mentioned in my last story, my family had a history of “brujeria” meaning witch craft. Now this isn’t a real long story but it is true, you see my mom’s grandma on her mother’s side used to practice witch craft and one day she told my mom and her sisters to move out of the way because satan was going to pass by.

My mom was young and innocent at the time and didn’t know what her grandma meant by ’satan’. Moments later a white dog passes through the living room in front of them and goes into her room never to come out again.

My moms family at the time was poor and didn’t even have a dog but what my mom remembered for sure was that dog was white as snow and never came out of that room. That just goes to show that evil comes into different forms.

My mom also remembers a time she was going through her grandmas dresser and saw a doll. She wanted very much to play with it and her grandma told her no that’s not to play with. My mother cried till her grandma finally gave in. She said in Spanish here play with it then!

As my mother played with the doll she told it stay here ill be right back. The doll being made out of cotton and cloth then said mama and moved. My mom looked at her and threw her! She looked up and then saw her grandma with an evil looking grin starring at her as if to say that’s what you get for getting into things that aren’t yours!

My mom later found out that the doll was really a voodoo doll. Her grandma later died an ugly death and it just goes to show that when you practice witch craft it pays back seven fold, not that I’d wish that on anyone.
2007-11-08 9:30 pm
A couple pat V8 conduct and commemorate for him , the little boy three years old is very happy before the lens when the son reaches the age of three
Jump to jump ¡­¡­That pair of married couple immerse in in being joyful , paying no attention to sonning unnatural happy too, like this
,That little boy three years old died jumping ¡­¡­
One year later, this pair of married couple is in the son's anniversary of the death, seeing V8 passage again, the son's bitterness by solving thinking , has never expected ¡­¡­Lens
In keep not jumping son because of being the glad been jump, catching the son's hair, does not stop with a hand appearing without foundation
Draw , draw , draw up......

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