Australia's kangaroos
Kangaroos are native to the Australian continent and to parts of Papua New Guinea. Most species are only found in Australia.
There are over 60 different species of kangaroo and their close relatives. All kangaroos belong to the super-family Macropodidae (or macropods, meaning 'great-footed').
Kangaroo furs, skins and leather
Kangaroo skins and furs are exported to a large number of markets in Europe, the USA and Asia.
Kangaroo skins are exported in different stages of treatment: salted, pickled (semi-processed) and tanned. Like all kangaroo exports, these products are strictly sourced from only the four most abundant species.
Some kangaroo skins are traded as furs, while others are sold for the leather.
Although pickled skins generate the most export earnings of all kangaroo skins and furs, there is a growing export trade in finished kangaroo leather. Kangaroo skin is renowned for being very strong, yet light in weight. It is ideal for use in the manufacture of high-quality leather goods, including footwear. Because of kangaroo leather's high tensile strength, it is ideal for the manufacture of sporting footwear.
While only a limited number of kangaroos of certain species may be harvested, a full range of high-quality kangaroo products is available for international markets.
2007-11-07 15:43:25 補充:
袋鼠是任一種屬於袋鼠目的有袋動物(袋鼠目的其他成員:小袋鼠、樹袋鼠、大袋鼠、小型沙袋鼠和短尾矮袋鼠:共計45種)。袋鼠 這個詞有時候指所有的有袋動物。大多數袋鼠都是澳大利亞的特產,但是有些樹袋鼠則生活在新幾內亞。袋鼠這個詞源自Guugu Yimidhirr(一種澳洲原住民語言) 。後來袋鼠這個詞被約瑟夫·班克斯在 詹姆斯·庫克的第一次航海旅行中命名,何時他們靠岸了在努力河的嘴在現代庫克鎮 港口幾乎7 個星期修理被損壞了的船?。
2007-11-07 15:43:46 補充:
袋鼠"很快成為了採取成它來意味任一名袋鼠和鼠家庭的成員的標準英語。信仰,「它意味」我不瞭解 普遍神話嚮任一個其它原史聽起來澳大利亞詞的數字並且被申請。馬律袋鼠叫做大型裝配架的,boomers 的' 或起重器的'; 女性是' , 飛行物的', 或jills 的' 和年輕人是joeys。集體 名詞為袋鼠是'暴民' 。。
2007-11-07 15:44:02 補充:
袋鼠屬有3種:紅大袋鼠 (Macropus rufus)是現存最大的有袋動物。紅大袋鼠生活在澳洲中部的半沙漠地帶。成年雄性袋鼠的體長可達兩米(6英尺),體重可達90千克(200磅). 東部灰大袋鼠 (Macropus giganteus)雖然沒有紅大袋鼠著名,但是東部灰大袋鼠是最常見的。生活在較為肥沃的地區。 西部灰大袋鼠 (Macropus fuliginosus)是三種袋鼠中最小的一種:成年雄性的體重為54千克 (119磅)。生活於澳洲西南海岸和達令河盆地。
2007-11-07 15:44:12 補充:
另外,有與袋鼠相關緊密地的40 更小的macropods:樹袋鼠是找到在東北部澳洲"密集的雨林並且紐幾內亞真實的袋鼠的樹木親戚。幾隻樹袋鼠被危及,主要由於棲所破壞。 鼠的更小,通常更加繁茂,macropods