
2007-11-07 11:09 pm

回答 (3)

2007-11-07 11:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
study by reading news paper, article.. may be review some vocab...and grammar .. It is a lot better if you read some other's essay..~But remember.. try to write something out.. it is better if you write something out and check where you make mistake at and focus on that part.
Anyways.. + oil .. ~ support
2007-11-08 2:06 am
if the composition is on tomorrow
it is too late for you to do any study
what you can do is to memorize some formats (e.g. letter)
you can read some newspaper articles or short stories
reading the english texbook may also help

2007-11-07 18:07:54 補充:
you may search in the internet for sample essays
2007-11-08 12:22 am
其實呢~ 作文一般都無得讀既~
如果真係想溫, 可以睇下唔同既文既一些格式
好似係, letter 要留意有咩format!!!
articles, newspaper 都可以睇下!!

祝你中期考成功~ 加油!

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