
2007-11-07 9:41 pm
好似裝修同清拆就唔駛, 有咩因素要考慮?

回答 (2)

2007-11-07 10:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
basically construction wise in HK divided into 2 category

1. is new works, that's after the construction , there will be a new BUILDING or DEVELOPMENT.This kind of construction must undergo building submission.

2. is A&A works, that's alteration and addition works. If these kind of projects involve major changes in structure and drainage works, then building submission is needed. Otherwise, like normal interior works(no need to submit). However, addition of internal staircase in duplex is kind of structural works and legally should undergo building submission. Nowadays, many people skip this procedure......
2007-11-07 9:45 pm
i think is have a big big project is want 入則 ! (more than 100000)
參考: me!

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