你部電腦可吾可以睇到中文字 ~ 英文點講

2007-11-07 8:18 pm
你部電腦可吾可以睇到中文字, 吾得的話就 install 個 software 啦, how to speak in English for this sentense

回答 (6)

2007-11-07 10:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案

'Does your computer able to show Chinese character?
If it doesn't, you will need to install the software.'

Can you read Chinese characters on your computer? If you can't, you need to install a Chinese program.
參考: 澳洲移民
2007-11-15 2:38 am
does xxxx able 不正確;
is xxx able
2007-11-08 4:07 am
Please install this software if your computer does not able to show Chinese Characters.
2007-11-08 12:56 am
但係我都覺得上面個位都有少少錯,因為 able 不是 verb, 是 adj...

'Does your computer able to show Chinese character?

Is your computer able to show Chinese Characters?
參考: sweetie
2007-11-07 9:09 pm

上面全部翻譯都錯﹐"你部電腦可吾可以睇到中文字?" 係中文說法﹐英文唔會這樣說﹐
Can you read Chinese characters on your computer? If you can't, you need to install a Chinese program.

2007-11-08 12:31:44 補充:
'Does your computer able to show Chinese character?If it doesn't, you will need to install the software.'下面果位澳洲移民都錯, 記著, 電腦是死物,唔係人﹐電腦唔會 "睇到中文字" 或 able to show Chinese character!我問過我先生﹐他是美國人﹐他說我的翻譯是對的。澳洲移民又點﹐錯就錯。
參考: I live and study in the US
2007-11-07 8:28 pm
Do your computer know how to read Chinese, if not, please install this software.

2007-11-07 12:28:54 補充:
Do your computer know how to read Chinese? If not, please install this software.

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