
2007-11-07 11:20 am
How many bamboo did panda eat in one day?

China give the panda to which country?

回答 (3)

2007-11-10 3:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
The average Giant Panda eats as much as 20 to 30 pounds of bamboo shoots a day. Because pandas consume a diet low in nutrition, it is important that they keep their digestive tract full.
China DO NOT give out panda, giant panda are only loan to foreign zoos.
At the time of 2006, there is about twenty pandas living outside of China. Places outside China have giant pandas living include USA, Germany, Austria, Spain, Japan, Thailand, and Hong Kong (if you count HK as a place outside of mainland China). In the future, Australia maybe one too.
Ruth Harkness became the first Westerner to bring back a live giant panda, a cub named Su-Lin who went to live at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. These activities were halted in 1937 because of wars; and for the next half of the century, the West knew little of pandas.
Loans of giant pandas to American and Japanese zoos formed an important part of the diplomacy of the People's Republic of China in the 1970s as it marked some of the first cultural exchanges between the PRC and the West. This practice has been termed "Panda Diplomacy".
By the year 1984, however, pandas were no longer used as agents of diplomacy. Instead, China began to offer pandas to other nations only on 10-year loans. The standard loan terms include a fee of up to US$ 1,000,000 per year and a provision that any cubs born during the loan are the property of the People's Republic of China. Since 1998, due to a WWF lawsuit, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service only allows a U.S. zoo to import a panda if the zoo can ensure that China will channel more than half of its loan fee into conservation efforts for wild pandas and their habitat.
North America
As of early 2007, five major North American zoos have giant pandas:
San Diego Zoo, San Diego, California - home of Bai Yun (F), Gao Gao (M), Mei Sheng (M), and a female cub named Su Lin
US National Zoo, Washington, D.C. - home of Mei Xiang (F), Tian Tian (M), and a male cub named Tai Shan
Zoo Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia - home of Lun Lun (F), Yang Yang (M), and a female cub named Mei Lan (F)
Memphis Zoo, Memphis, Tennessee - home of Ya Ya (F) and Le Le (M)
Chapultepec Zoo, Mexico City - home of Shuan Shuan, Xin Xin, and Xi Hua, all females

Three zoos in Europe show giant pandas:
Zoologischer Garten Berlin, Berlin, Germany — home of Bao Bao, age 27, the oldest male panda living in captivity; he has been in Berlin for 25 years and has never reproduced.
Tiergarten Schönbrunn, Vienna, Austria — home to three pandas (a male and a female) born in Wolong, China in 2000, and their cub born on August 23, 2007. The cub was the first to be born in Europe in 25 years.
Zoo Aquarium, Madrid, Spain -- home of Bing Xing (M) and Hua Zuiba (F). Arrived in Madrid on September 8, 2007.
London, Moscow and Paris no longer have pandas.

Ocean Park, Hong Kong - home to Jia Jia (F) and An An (M) since 1999. Two further pandas named Le Le and Ying Ying are added to Ocean Park on April 26, 2007
Chiang Mai Zoo, Chiang Mai, Thailand - home to Chuang Chuang (M) and Lin Hui (F). Much to the joy of the public, the two have recently been observed mating and it is hoped that cubs will be produced from the union.
Pandas in Japan have double names: a Japanese name and a Chinese name. Three zoos in Japan show giant pandas:
Ueno Zoo, Tokyo - home of Ling Ling (M), he is the only panda with "Japanese citizenship".
Oji Zoo, Kobe, Hyōgo - home of Kou Kou (M), Tan Tan (F)
Adventure World, Shirahama, Wakayama - Ei Mei (M), Mei Mei (F), Rau Hin (F), Ryu Hin and Syu Hin (male twins), and Kou Hin (M). Yu Hin (M) went to China in 2004. In December 2006, twin cubs were born to Ei Mei and Mei Mei.

Adelaide Zoo, Adelaide - future home to Wangwang (M) and Funi (F). Will arrive in 2009.
I hope this can help with your understanding. =)
2016-01-18 11:38 am
how old are Le le and ying ying?
2007-11-11 1:11 am
Bamboo did eat 20 to 30 panda in one day.
China sell panda toys to any countries in the world.

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