
2007-11-07 10:59 am



回答 (2)

2007-11-07 6:14 pm
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昆蟲往往表現出高超靈敏的技巧, 是人類智能也未能匹敵的. 例如蜘蛛結網, 牠一邊矯捷地上下移動, 一邊鋪設蛛絲, 原本已是不簡單. 牠不消一會就結出蜘蛛網, 十分整齊, 疏密都有分寸. 如果網結在門檻和植物的枝莖上, 往往馬上就被人或風所破壞了, 所以蜘蛛很聰明, 從不把網結在這些地方, 只在廢屋, 破牆等人跡罕至的地方結網, 讓牠們能安全地生存.
人之中, 誰是智者?誰是愚蠢? 正如蜘蛛的例子, 只視乎他是否清楚自己所屬的位置而已.
2007-11-07 5:07 pm
The insect is friendly skillful is convenient, has the non- human understanding to ponder the skill to be possible and. The spider nettings also, the cloth silk directs to pass through, Czechoslovakia anxious about, its beginning for is really difficult. Weaves it as for the latitude, the extension hoped may, the density discretion, not have is uneven. Between the threshold and the fancy bamboo the day of death, does not have the manner and the wind defeats. Only idles the room 垝 wall, the person? Rarely to, 乃可 for a very long time enjoys its is peaceful. The human is capable and incapable, for example spider, in from place ear!

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