
2007-11-07 4:48 pm
34 percent of Americans say they believe in ghosts, according to a pre-Halloween poll by The Associated Press and Ipsos. That's the same proportion who believe in unidentified flying objects-exceeding the 19 percent who accept the existence of spells or witchcraft.
Forty-eight percent believe in extrasensory perception, or ESP.

To put the roughly one-third who believe in ghosts and UFOs in perspective, it's about the same as, in recent AP-Ipsos polls, the 36 percent who said they are baseball fans; the 37 percent who said the U.S. made the right decision to invade Iraq; and the 31 percent who approve of the job President Bush is doing.

Spells and witchcraft are more readily believed by urban dwellers, minorities and lower-earning people. Those who find credibility in ESP are more likely to be better educated and white-51 percent of college graduates compared to 37 percent with a high school diploma or less, about the same proportion by which white believers outnumber minorities.


Those who find credibility in ESP are more likely to be better educated and white about the same proportion by which white believers outnumber minorities. 這兩段看了很久,不知道真正的意思

回答 (2)

2007-11-07 5:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-11-07 8:53 pm
Ipsos是一家主導的全球性基於勘測的市場研究公司,由研究專家擁有和處理。 Ipsos幫助解釋,模仿,并且期望消費者、顧客和公民需要和反應在世界範圍內。
成員公司估計市場潛力并且解釋市場趨向。 他們開發并且建立品牌。 他們幫助客戶建立與他們的顧客的長期關係。 他們測試做廣告并且學習對各種各樣的媒介的觀眾反應。 他們世界各地測量民意。
Ipsos成員公司提供在做廣告,顧客忠誠、行銷、媒介和公共事務研究上的專門技術,並且預測,塑造和咨詢。 Ipsos有輪廓鮮明風俗、銀行團聯合貸款,多項,盤區和網上研究產品和服務,是由產業專家引導的和支持由先進的analytics和方法學。 1975年公司被創辦了和公開地被換了自1999年以來。 2006年, Ipsos創造了全球性收支 €857.3百萬($1,076.3百萬美國)。

為了放大約3 分之1,正確相信鬼和幽浮,是作為,在最近的美聯社-Ipsos投票(民意測驗記錄),百分之36的幾乎一樣說他們是棒球愛好者;百分之37,說美國入侵伊拉克做正確的決定;以及百分之31布希總統正做工作的批准。

參考: nono

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