What do I do when I suspect my dad is cheating with my aunt or he at least has a crush on her?

2007-11-06 9:11 pm
Here´s the whole story, my parents separated 6 yrs ago after my brother died and she fell into depression, she partly blamed my father for my brothers death. My parents still live in the same house but that´s pretty much it, they really don´t talk or have a real relationship. Being this the case my father almost never comes straight home after work, he always goes out to be with his friends and lately I´ve noticed that he hangs out a lot at my uncles house (my mother´s brother) with my uncles wife (my aunt). My aunt and uncle r separated as well and live practically in the same conditions as my parents. My mother very discretly has pointed out that he spends a lot of time there and when she told me right away I knew what she was feeling or implying. I spoke to my dad once about this and told him I think it´s innapropriate for him to visit my aunt so much given all these situations but he tried to make me believe that nothing is going out and that he goes there cause he has nothing 2 do

It´s good to point out that my dad and this woman have always been friends, even when he had a real relationship with my mom, I just think that now it has become innapropriate because of the amount of time they spend together and because of the fact that my dad goes over to my uncles house to hang out with her, granted, sometimes it´s with more people.

回答 (3)

2007-11-06 9:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I really don't know what to tell you....I haven't been in this situation, but I know what I would do....I would just keep out of it, just let them do whatever, because noone can change what is in anyone elses hearts, and if you keep talking to your dad about it, then that could cause trouble between the two of you. And who wants more trouble in a situation like that?
2007-11-07 5:27 am
This sounds similiar to my family. Similiar to the point where my dad was cheating on my mom with her best friend (very close friend of the family). My brother who is 3 years younger then me found out and told my mom. He found some email confessions of love from the best friend to my dad and couldn't believe his eyes. When I came over to visit my family, I could tell something was wrong with the pictures I saw. My dad would sun bathe out back with my mom and her best friend and he would be in the middle with his head turned to the best friend. While my mom laid there oblivious to what was happening. We threw a party and my dad was slow dancing with her most of the night...I was pissed...I saw it before anything else came intto place.
Just be careful what you say to your dad. He may deny it and pretend nothing is happening to protect your feelings. He may not even be having a relationship behind your mom's back. Who's to say except him and if he can't come to terms with what he wants, whether it's to be with your mom (still living together) or with your aunt (going over there constantly), then he needs a reality check big time. He can't have both worlds (your mom and your aunt). You may want to ask your aunt what's going on.
2007-11-07 5:22 am
Tell your dad straight and direct, it's better for him to get a proper divorce first before he hang out with other woman.

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