
2007-11-07 7:48 am
Due to the development of industry and commerce,many greenhouse gases was discarded which leads to the increase in temperature all over the world.

As common people,write an article about what we can do to decrease the speed of global warming.

*請務必要以英文point form表達,最好能附上中文的詳解,不用太長,精就好。


回答 (1)

2007-11-07 11:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. The atmosphere sees an increased level of greenhouse gases partly due to deforestation, that restults in sharp decrease green plants that absorb greenhouse gases.
2. The increased proportion of food from animals, such as meat, in human diet is partly responsible for the rampant deforestation in many parts of the world. As more crops need to be grown to feed animals for human consumption, man needs more farmland, and obtains it by turning forest into farms.
人類的食肉習慣間接導致森林大幅減少. 因為生產肉類食品需要大量耕地種植牲畜的飼料, 對耕地的需求導致森林被砍伐

3. For the same size of farmland that can grow enough plant food to feed a fixed number people, it can statify the need of much fewer people if the crops grown are taken for food for meat-producing animals like cows or pigs. Thus our diet rich in animal protein is partly responsible for deforestation and destruction of our natural environment.
一片農地, 生產的植物可以養活某一數量的人, 但如果同一片農地出產的植物用來餵飼作為肉食的動物, 生產出來的肉食就只能養活這人數的小部份. 因此人類食肉的習慣對環璄利多於弊.


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