
2007-11-07 2:10 am

I goes to supermarket every weekend with my mother.We usually buys some food like vegetables and meat.It is very convienient.In Hong Kong,there are two main supermarkets,there are Parkshop and Wellcome.The two supermarket seems to be spread around all over Hong Kong.By comparing the unlike terms of these two supermarkets,both of my mother thinks goods in Parkshop because the food are fresh to buy.For Wellcome,I think their goods in cheap but not as popular as Parkshop.

回答 (3)

2007-11-07 2:26 am
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I ,you,we,they之後係唔駛加s架,所以係I go to supermarket every weekend with my mother.We usually buy some food like vegetables and meat.

there are Parkshop and Wellcome. 應改做they are Parknshop and Wellcome.

The two supermarket seems to be spread around all over Hong Kong.
supermarket 要加s,因為有兩個-->supermarkets

By comparing these two supermarkets,my mother would preferr to buy things in the Parknshop because the food are fresher.

For the Wellcome,their goods are cheaper than the Parknshop's, but I think they are not as popular as the Parkshop.
參考: myself
2007-11-07 2:34 am
I go( 唔係he/she/it所以唔洗加s/es ) to supermarket with my mother ( 同人物調到前面 )every weekend.We usually buy ( 同樣地,唔係he/she/it所以唔洗加s/es ) food ( 唔洗some因為你唔會只係買幾樣菜 ) like ( or you can write 'such as' ) vegetables and meat.Supermarkets ( 人地唔知你講個個it 係指咩 ) are very convienient.In Hong Kong,there are two main supermarkets,they ( 應該係they而唔係there ) are Parknshop ( 應該係parknshop ) and Wellcome.The two supermarkets are spreading ( 唔係好似,直情係around all over hk啦 ) around all over Hong Kong.By comparing the unlike terms of them ( 唔洗又two supermarket了 ) , my mother thinks Parknshop is better than Wellcome because the food there is ( food係不可數名詞 ) fresher than Wellcome.About ( 我地唔用for ) Wellcome , I think their goods are cheap but it is not as popular as Parknshop.

2007-11-06 18:38:23 補充:
sorry,應該係 :convenient ( 你串錯左,我都串錯左呀岩岩 )
參考: me
2007-11-07 2:28 am
I goes to supermarket every weekend with my mother.We usually buys some food like vegetables and meat.It is very convienient.In Hong Kong,there are two main supermarkets,there are Parkshop and Wellcome.The two supermarket seems to be spread around all over Hong Kong.By comparing the unlike terms of these two supermarkets,both of my mother thinks goods in Parkshop because the food are fresh to buy.For Wellcome,I think their goods in cheap but not as popular as Parkshop.

i之後唔會有s......所以第1句係I go to supermarket every weekend with my mother.
We usually buys.... we之後都唔會有s
convienient串錯... 係 convenient.
同埋 無啦啦話如佢方便就冇左... 你之後要加番because先可以接到
唔會the two supermarket...應該用these...同埋supermarket因為2個要加s
,both of my mother thinks goods in Parkshop because the food are fresh to buy.For Wellcome,I think their goods in cheap but not as popular as Parkshop. good如果係形容詞唔可以加s...加左s會變noun. food係跟is...所以你要講foods..其實呢段好多錯左.......其實你係咪想講百佳好d?但係你又話你阿媽又話兩樣好...-.-

I go to supermarket every weekend with my mother. We usually buy some foods there, like vegetables and meats. It is very convenient to buy food, this is because there are two main supermarkets called Parkshop and Wellcome in Hong Kong. These two supermarkets are spread around all over Hong Kong. By comparing the different of these two supermarkets, my mother thinks Parkshop is better because the foods are fresher than Wellcome, although foods are cheaper in Wellcome, it is not as popular as Parkshop.

2007-11-06 19:07:02 補充:
sorry 有d錯d foods幫我減哂d s 變左food先岩..sorry同埋你串番park n shop 就得...thanks!
參考: myself

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