
2007-11-07 12:57 am

回答 (2)

2007-11-07 7:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are the children of hong kong government servants, it may ok. This is a benefit of old hong kong government servants. It means that if your parent whose are government over 15 years, they are the long term government servant with the pension(not the short term contract). It should be ok. If you are good in A level result, you can apply the grant(small amount) and some loan(small amount) to go aboard for studying. You can try to ask from education(oversea section)department for enquiry.
2007-11-13 12:17 pm
如果你爸爸或媽媽係公務員, 係可以向香港政府借既, 不過就會交多d稅去還返俾政府..
至於英國政府係接受oversea student 申請獎學金...不過過英國政府借就好似要公民先可以喇...
參考: im studying in UK as well

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