呢句點轉past participle呀?

2007-11-07 12:18 am
my uncle is very happy. He is married to a woman he loves.

回答 (4)

2007-11-07 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you convert into past participle, it means the situation is no longer true.

My uncle has been very happy as he was married to a woman he loved;
My uncle was very happy as he has been married to a woman he loved;

My uncle is very happy (still). He has been married to a woman he loved (they are now divorced/or the woman passed away).
2007-11-07 2:32 am
My uncle being married to a woman he loves is very happy.

My uncle married to a woman he loves is very happy.
2007-11-07 2:03 am
My uncle was happy because he has merried a woman that he loves.
參考: me
2007-11-07 12:45 am
my uncle had been very happy. He had been married to a woman he loves.

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