我搾住廣交所,唔知e+應該沽 定系 趁底吸呢?

2007-11-06 11:05 pm
我搾住廣交所,唔知e+應該沽 定系 趁底吸呢?

回答 (3)

2007-11-06 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
馬上沽, 因為阿爺見個市都未到2萬點, 點會俾你資金自由行呀.
2007-11-07 5:21 am
我建議等至月中公佈業績, 盈利應唔錯. 港交所係隻特別股份, 長線值得低吸, 其實$240樓下已見吸引. 中線見$280-300
2007-11-06 11:17 pm
You should hold it until the total daily trading volume ($$$) starts dropping because income of #388 depends mainly on the commissions received. The trend is that the market will resume after November. The Olympics is around the corner, the market will continue booming until the Olympics.

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