How do I check how much memory my intergrated graphics card is taking up?

2007-11-05 11:44 am
1. Dont tell me how BAD my g/c is.
2. I have 1.5 gigs of ram and an INTEL x3100.

i just want to know how much ram it takes up. doesnt seem to show in task manager.

using vista.


回答 (5)

2007-11-05 12:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just press the windows logo key (between left ctrl and alt) and the Pause/Break key (in the end of the F keys row) together.
System properties window will open automatically.
In default, it will be in General tab. If not, change it.
In this window, it will show your current RAM.
You subtract it from your original RAM and you will get the RAM taken by the Graphics card.
2007-11-05 7:59 pm
click on the run option in start menu.
then on the window that appear type dxdiag
then another window will appear there is a tab called display on that window, click on that.
in there the memory of your grapics card will appear.
2007-11-05 9:42 pm
The specs are in your User Manual.
2007-11-05 7:52 pm
press windows button + break at the same time, or Start -> right click computer -> properties

check the amount of ram avaliable displayed, the amount of ram used by X3100 is the difference between the ram u ve and the ram displayed in system properties
2007-11-05 7:52 pm
Go to bios.. there is option to check... i am not sure which function key will allow u to enter bios..try F2 or F8 ate the boot...

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