facebook Sign Up

2007-11-06 6:56 am
點解佢成日都話我個full name唔得???
我依家Sign Up唔到呀!

回答 (2)

2007-11-21 5:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sign Up, Login and Password Problems
Facebook allows most people to sign up for the site. When you sign up for Facebook, you will need to use your personal email address and provide accurate account information on the sign up page. Once you have created an account you will want to keep a safe record of your login and password.

Sign Up
Signing up with Facebook is required before you are able to enjoy any of the site's features and build your personalized Facebook profile. When signing up, please ensure to provide accurate information and to review the Terms of Use.

What do I need to do to sign up for this site?

From our Sign Up page, just provide us with your full name, email address, birthday, and desired password. If you are part of one of our supported high school, college, or work networks, you will be given instructions on how to affiliate yourself. If you are not a member of one of these networks, you can join one of our regional networks after registration. After you complete the sign up form, we will send an email to the address you provided. Clicking on the confirmation link will complete the sign up process.

I tried signing up but it told me my name wasn’t allowed. How do I sign up?

Facebook disallows certain names and words in names that tend to be associated with fake accounts (e.g. Paris Hilton). In addition, using the name of a group or organization is not permitted, as Facebook accounts are for individual use only. Also, we do not allow users to include titles in their names (e.g. Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.).

If you received this error message inadvertently, please contact Facebook by sending an email to [email protected] from the email address you are attempting to register. In addition, please include all of the information below:

-Your Full Name

-Your Birthday

-Whether or not you have read and agreed to our Terms of Use (http://www.facebook.com/terms.php).

Also, if you are a current high school student or a college student/alum and would like to join one of our high school or college networks, please let me know:

-The name of your school

-The location of your school

-Your class year (e.g. Class of 2009)

If you are trying to sign up for a college network or a high school network that gives its students email addresses, you must email us from an address supplied by your school. If you would like to affiliate with one of our work networks, please let us know the name of your company in a response from an email address provided by your company.

Why haven't I been confirmed?

We didn't forget about you. The confirmation email is probably sitting in your spam or junk folder right now. If you're still having trouble finding it, we can help you out. Please follow these directions carefully:

Send an email to [email protected] from the email address you attempted to register. For your security, we will not be able to confirm your account unless you send an email from this address.
Please write your registration email address in the subject line of your message along with the word "confirmation."

Login and Password Problems
Facebook prides itself on having a safe online environment. In order to assist us with keeping the site safe, please make sure to use your current email address for your Facebook login and to use a secure password (i.e. a password only you know).

I forgot my password.

It's okay to forget things. You can reset your password by clicking here.

How do I change my password?

If your old password isn't cutting it anymore you can change it from the "Settings" tab on the Account page.
2007-11-06 6:59 am
會唔會係佢叫你入你個 email address 呀?
因為 login 係要用 email address 架喎!

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