
2007-11-06 6:30 am
春節 - 農歷正月初一
元宵節或燈節 - 農歷正月十五
清明節 - 節氣清明。
端午節 - 農歷五月五
七夕 - 農歷七月七
中秋節- 農歷八月十五
重陽節 - 農歷九月九
臘八節 - 農歷臘月初八

天公生 - 農曆正月初九
二月二 - 農歷二月初二
頭牙 - 農曆二月初二
花朝節 - 農曆二月十五
三月三 - 農歷三月初三
寒食節 - 清明節前一天
浴佛節 - 農曆四月八日
財神節 - 農歷七月二十二
下元節 - 農曆十月十五
冬至 - 節氣冬至。
尾牙 - 農曆臘月十六
灶王節或謝灶節 - 農歷臘月二十三

回答 (1)

2007-11-06 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Spring Festival - lunar calendar in first lunar month first day
festival of lanterns or lantern festival - lunar calendar in first lunar month ten five
Qingming Festival - solar terms Pure Brightness.
Dragon Boat Festival - lunar calendar in May five
seventh night of the seventh lunar month - lunar calendar in July seven
Midautumn Festival - lunar calendar in August ten five
double ninth festival - lunar calendar in September nine
eighth day of the twelfth lunar month festival - lunar calendar in December eighth day
in addition also has some celebrates or the secondary holiday in the partial areas and the nationality:
The spring beginning
God lives - lunar calendar in first lunar month ninth day
February two - lunar calendar in February second day
tooth - lunar calendar in February second day
flower-blooming day festival - lunar calendar in February ten five
in March three - lunar calendar in March the third day
cold food festival the festival - Qingming Festival day before
bathing the buddha festival - lunar calendar on April 8
the ghosts' festival (or festival of the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month, container blue festival) - lunar calendar in July 14 or in July ten five
God of Wealth festival - lunar calendar in July 20 two
15th of 10th lunar month festival - lunar calendar in October ten five
winter solstice - solar terms winter solstice.
Tail tooth - lunar calendar in December ten six
stove Wang Jiehuo Xie Zaojie - lunar calendar in December 23

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