2007-11-06 5:47 am
Can anyone help me to help the following information?

~ The tallest woman
~ the biggest pen
~ the larest waist
~ the biggest bubble gum buble
~ the shortest man
~ the oldest man
~ the fastest runner

Find as much as you can. Thank you.

回答 (1)

2007-11-07 12:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Tallest Woman - Living


Sandy Allen


2.31 m (7 ft 7 in)


Indianapolis, Indiana, USA


As of 1999


Sandy Allen was a 2.95-kg (6.5-lb) baby, and her abnormal growth began soon after her birth in June 1955. By the age of 10 she stood 1.905 m (6 ft 3 in) tall, and was 2.16 m (7 ft 1 in) by 16 years old. Sandy had a dream to break free of a world, that she felt she had outgrown. In her first letter to Guinness World Records in 1974 she wrote, "I would like to get to know someone that is approximately my height. It is needless to say my social life is practically nil and perhaps the publicity from your book may brighten my life." The accolade did help to bring about a reversal of fortunes for the Indiana secretary. First, there was an offer from film director Federico Fellini to take a role in his film Casanova in 1975, and then her first date with a 7-ft Illinois man. On July 14, 1977, she went into hospital for a pituitary gland operation to stop further growth. Nowadays poor circulation and weak leg muscles mean she is dependent on a wheel chair.

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