
2007-11-06 5:47 am



回答 (3)

2007-11-06 9:30 pm
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“The Nanny Diaries” tells the story of the emotional and often humorous journey of Annie Braddock (Johansson), a young woman from a working-class neighborhood in New Jersey, struggling to understand her place in the world. Fresh out of college, she gets tremendous pressure from her nurse mother to find a respectable position in the business world although Annie would prefer to trade in her blackberry for an anthropologist's field diary. Through a serendipitous meeting, Annie ends up in the elite and ritualistic culture of Manhattan's Upper East Side -- as remote from Annie's suburban New Jersey upbringing as life in an Amazon tribal village. Choosing to duck out of real life, Annie accepts the position as a nanny for a wealthy family, referred to as simply "the X's." She quickly learns that life is not very rosy on the other side of the tax bracket, as she must cater to the every whim of Mrs. X (Linney) and her precocious son Grayer, while attempting to avoid the formidable Mr. X (Giamatti). Life becomes even more complicated when Annie falls for a gorgeous neighbor of the X’s (Evans) who she nicknames Harvard Hottie, and is forced to explore what she wants to do with her life.

"保姆日記"講述的情緒,而且往往幽默的征程安妮布拉德(約翰森) ,一名年輕女子從一個工薪階層居委會在新澤西州,拼搏,以了解她在世界上的地位。新鮮出書院,她得到了巨大的壓力,從她的護士媽媽找到一個體面的位置在商業世界,雖然安妮寧願貿易在她的黑莓,為人類學家的實地日記。通過一個意外的一次會議上,安妮結束了在精英和走過場的文化曼哈頓上東城-遙控器從安妮的近郊新澤西州的養育作為生活在亞馬遜部落村。選擇逃避的現實生活中,安妮接受的立場作為一個保姆,為一個富裕的家庭,被稱為純粹的" x "承諾。她很快學會了生活是不是很樂觀的對對方的稅率,因為她要照顧到每一個心血來潮的夫人x 和她的早熟的兒子,而企圖以避免可怕的x先生(吉馬提) 。生活變得更加複雜,當安妮愛上了漂亮的近鄰,在x的(埃文斯)的人,她的暱稱哈佛hottie ,並被迫探索她想做的事,與她的生命。
2007-11-06 6:30 am
他僕婦Diariestells安妮布拉多克(Johansson)的感情和經常幽默旅行的故事 ,來自一個工人階級附近的一名年輕的婦女在新澤西,努力在世界上理解她的地方。 在學院之外新, 她從她的護士母親得到驚人的壓力在實業界找到一個可敬的位置, 因為一位人類學家接日記,安妮寧願在她的黑莓裡做生意。 透過一個serendipitous 會議,安妮在曼哈頓的上面東邊的精英和儀式的文化裡結束 -- 象在一個亞馬遜河部落的村莊的生命一樣遠離安妮的郊區的新澤西撫育。 選擇避免真正生活,安妮接受的職位一僕婦適合一富有家庭,僅僅稱為" X。 " 她迅速獲悉生活不玫瑰紅色在稅款的另一邊括起來,她必須滿足太太的每個一時的興致 X ( 林妮) 並且她灰色的早熟的兒子,而試圖避免可怕的先生 X(Giamatti) . 當安妮被X(爾文斯)的一個華麗的鄰居迷住時,生活變得更錯綜複雜 她給哈佛性感寶貝起綽號,和被迫探索她想要處理她的生活。
參考: me
2007-11-06 6:06 am
The Nanny Diaries” tells the story of the emotional and often humorous journey of Annie Braddock (Johansson), a young woman from a working-class neighborhood in New Jersey, struggling to understand her place in the world. Fresh out of college, she gets tremendous pressure from her nurse mother to find a respectable position in the business world although Annie would prefer to trade in her blackberry for an anthropologist's field diary. Through a serendipitous meeting, Annie ends up in the elite and ritualistic culture of Manhattan's Upper East Side -- as remote from Annie's suburban New Jersey upbringing as life in an Amazon tribal village. Choosing to duck out of real life, Annie accepts the position as a nanny for a wealthy family, referred to as simply "the X's." She quickly learns that life is not very rosy on the other side of the tax bracket, as she must cater to the every whim of Mrs. X (Linney) and her precocious son Grayer, while attempting to avoid the formidable Mr. X (Giamatti). Life becomes even more complicated when Annie falls for a gorgeous neighbor of the X’s (Evans) who she nicknames Harvard Hottie, and is forced to explore what she wants to do with her life.

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