English Maths

2007-11-06 5:30 am
The dfference between the present ages of Mr.Chan and hs son is 32. 6 years later, their total age will be 50. How old is Mr. Chan's son now?

回答 (3)

2007-11-06 5:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let x be the current age of Mr. Chan's son, so (x + 32) is the current age of Mr. Chan.
(x + 6) + [(x + 32) + 6] = 50
2x + 44 = 50
x = (50 - 44) / 2 = 3
Mr. Chan's son is 3 years old.
2007-11-06 10:23 am
Assume Mr chan's age is x and his son's age is s
6 years later:
(x - 32 = s) = (x + s = 50)
(x = 32 + s) = (x = 50 - s)
32+s = 50-s
32+2s= 50
His son is 3
2007-11-06 5:38 am
Let x+32 and x be the present ages of Mr Chan and his son
then x+38 and x+6 will be the ages after 6 years

(x+38)+(x+6)= 50
2x + 44 = 50

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