
2007-11-06 2:44 am
Sally is writing a letter to her cousin Mady.She is not sure of form some of the verbs.
Complete the letter for her using the correct form of the verbs in the hint box.

You can use these verbs:[be eat go give laugh run tell think walk wank]

Dear Mandy

How are you?I________on a school trip to Hong Kong Park today.It________me lots of
ideas for your visit.

First,we_________through a large aviary.There were lots of beautiful birds three.Next, we sat by some fountains.Some of the boys__________around and chased each other under the fountais.They had fun until one of them fell in a fountain!He got very wet!


Everybody_________except our teacher.She was very angry! After that,we went into the Tea Ware Munseum.There__________lots of pretty teapots and cups.My sister and I___________it was very interesting.I stayed in the museum for a long time.Eventually,my teacher asked me to hurry up.


Everyone else was hungry and they___________their lunch! We___________our lunch in the Tai Chi Garden.A man__________us that it was a popular place to do tai chi.There are even free lessons for tourists.I think I will take you to one!


I can't wait you come here! Sailly

回答 (5)

2007-11-06 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
樓上果位唔好亂答害人啦! 第一題邊有可能係am呀?!
仲有...依家係寫緊一封信, 係已經發生左既事, 邊有可能用現在式呀!

1. went
2. gave
3. walked
4. ran
5. laughed
6. were
7. though
8. wanted
9. ate
10. told
2007-11-06 2:12 pm
You can use these verbs:[be eat go give laugh run tell think walk wank]

Dear Mandy

How are you?I went on a school trip to Hong Kong Park today.It gives me lots of
ideas for your visit.
First,we walked through a large aviary.There were lots of beautiful birds three.Next,
we sat by some fountains.Some of the boys ran around and chased each other
under the fountais.They had fun until one of them fell in a fountain!He got very wet!

Everybody laughed except our teacher.She was very angry!

After that,we went into the Tea Ware Munseum.There were lots of pretty teapots
and cups.My sister and I think it was very interesting.I stayed in the museum for a long time.Eventually,my teacher asked me to hurry up.

Everyone else was hungry and they wanted their lunch!

We ate our lunch in the Tai Chi Garden.A man told us that it was a popular place to do tai chi.There are even free lessons for tourists.I think I will take you to one!

I can"t wait you come here!
2007-11-06 2:57 am
Dear Mandy

How are you?I am on a school trip to Hong Kong Park today.It gives me lots of
ideas for your visit.

First,we went through a large aviary.There were lots of beautiful birds three.Next,
we sat by some fountains.Some of the boys were running around and chased each other under the fountais.They had fun until one of them fell in a fountain! He got very wet!

Everybody laughed except our teacher.She was very angry!

After that,we went into the Tea Ware Munseum.There were lots of pretty teapots
and cups.My sister and I thought it was very interesting. I stayed in the museum for a long time.Eventually,my teacher asked me to hurry up.

Everyone else was hungry and they have eaten their lunch!

We took our lunch in the Tai Chi Garden. A man told us that it was a popular place to do tai chi. There are even free lessons for tourists.I think I will take you to one!
參考: Me (Hope that helps)
2007-11-06 2:55 am
How are you?I (went) on a school trip to Hong Kong Park today.It (gave) me lots of
ideas for your visit.

First,we (walked) through a large aviary.There were lots of beautiful birds three.Next,
we sat by some fountains.Some of the boys (ran) around and chased each other
under the fountais.They had fun until one of them fell in a fountain!He got very wet!
Everybody (laughed) except our teacher.She was very angry!

After that,we went into the Tea Ware Munseum.There (were) lots of pretty teapots
and cups.My sister and I ( thought) it was very interesting.I stayed in the museum for a long time.Eventually,my teacher asked me to hurry up.
Everyone else was hungry and they (wanted) (你打錯)their lunch!

We (ate) our lunch in the Tai Chi Garden.A man (told) us that it was a popular place to do tai chi.There are even free lessons for tourists.I think I will take you to one!

2007-11-05 18:57:01 補充:
2007-11-06 2:50 am

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