Molar Volume

2007-11-06 1:33 am
Please help me to solve the question about molar volume. Thx a lot.

1) (a) Arrange the following in increasing order of volume (at room conditions):
A. 1 g of hydrogen
B. 1 g of oxygen
C. 1 g of chlorine
D. 1 g of methane(CH4)
E. 1 g of helium
(b) Calculate the number of molecules in 1 g of the lightest gas in (a)

回答 (1)

2007-11-06 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) (a)
Molar mass of hydrogen gas is 1.008g * 2 = 2.016g
Molar mass of oxygen gas is 15.9994g * 2 = 31.9988g
Molar mass of chlorine gas is 35.453g * 2 = 70.906g
Molar mass of methane(CH4) is 16g
Molar mass of helium gas is 4.0026g
Increasing order of volume (at room conditions):
H2 < He < CH4 < O2 < Cl2
hydrogen gas < helium gas < methane(CH4) < oxygen gas < chlorine gas
1) (b)
The number of molecules in 1 g of the lightest gas in (a) is
= Avogadro constant / 2.016g
= 2.987 x 10^23
I hope this can help with your understanding. =)
參考: My knowledge

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