
2007-11-06 1:04 am
我係第1次入股,滙豐運籌網上理財,我以$18.38買入2000股857,落咗盤一段時間之後,股票戶口出現咗是次記錄,但總投資額出現咗港幣39200,而本人的投資額只係$18.38x2000= $36760,咁...其實佢所出現既$39200總投資額係乜嘢?唔明,請賜教,謝謝!

回答 (4)

2007-11-08 10:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
唉 如果你呢家仲揸住 就祝你好運先 adr 中石油 16.65
匯豐啲電腦系統 我第一次都唔係好明
如果你買入咗一隻股票 唔理你昇定跌 佢都會用即時報價的型式顯示俾你睇的
即係話如果你買的時候是用咗$18.38x2000= $36760 咁當佢昇到1 9. 6
時係就會顯示$3 9 2 0 0 喇
仲有就係 如果你沽咗之後 佢都仲會以咁嘅形式顯示一至兩日嘅 所以你都唔駛咁驚的
仲有就係每次的交易都會寄封信去你屋企嘅 你熟習咗個模式就覺得佢幾好架啦
參考: 過來人byfrgnhvt
2007-11-06 6:55 am

When your investment is displayed in your investment account, HSBC has 7 columns in the investment account:
the value $39200 is shown under Market value column. It represents that your 2000 shares 857 now worth $39200. and also you can see from Market Unit price column that your 857 is now $19.60 instead of 18.38, the price has risen.

Hope I have solve your problem.
2007-11-06 2:46 am
參考: me
2007-11-06 1:18 am
You bought with $36760.
The record only shows the current value of your stock at THAT TIME.
That means, at THAT TIME, 857 is $19.6

交易狀況 shows the status such as pending, done, cancel ...etc
交易記錄 shows the actual deal (incl. actual dealling price).
Sometimes people may want to set the price at higher or lower than the current price so as to have the deal in higher priority, thus the above dealling record can show the ACTUAL DEALLING price.

幾耐先會出現响[交易記錄] : It varies... most of the time is 1 day

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