詳細既加拿大飲食文化 最高可以拎到40分呀!!!!

2007-11-06 12:55 am



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2007-11-06 6:33 am
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Canadian cuisine varies from region to region.

1.The traditional cuisine of English Canada is related to British and American cuisine. 2. The traditional cuisine of Quebec and French Canada is influenced by French cuisine.
3. The cuisine of the West Canada is influenced by German, Ukrainian, Polish and Scandinavian.
4. Noteworthy is the cuisine of the Doukhobors: Russian-descended vegetarians.
5. The traditional cuisine of the Arctic and the Canadian Territories is based on wide game and Inuit and First Nations cooking methods.
6. The cuisines of Newfoundland and the MAritime provinces derive mainly from British and Irish cooking, with a preference for salt-cured fish, beef, and pork.
7. British Columbia also maintains British cuisine traditions.
8. Canadian Chinese cuisine is widespread accross the country.

The basis is traditionally on seasonal, fresh ingredients, and preserves. The cuisine includes a lot of baked foods, wild game, and gathered foods.

Due to the immigrant cultures, the cuisine if the fusion of modern culinary techniques and uniquely Canadian ingredients, such as wild blueberries and saskatoon berries, fiddleheads, mussels, caribou, bison, salmon, wild rice, maple syrup and locally produced wine, beer, ice wine and cheeses.

Lumberjack's Breakfast, aka Logger's Breakfast: a gargantuan breakfast of three-plus eggs; rations of ham, bacon and sausages; plus several large pancakes. Invented by hotelier J. Houston c 1870, at his Granville Hotel on Water Street in old pre-railway Gastown, Vancouver, in response to requests from his clientele for a better "feed" at the start of a long, hard day of work.

Some people are influenced by the American Fast Food.

Jigg's dinner: A traditional meal from Newfoundland incorporating salt beef, cooked cabbage, boiled potatoes, carrots, turnip, and homemade peas pudding.

Canadian Food
Fish and brewis or Fisherman's brewis: Another Newfoundland favourite, with salt cod and hardtack.
Rappie Pie: A traditional Acadian dish from Nova Scotia.
Chinese Smorgasbord

Street Food
Donairs (orig. Nova Scotia); Shish taouk (Montreal); Poutine (Quebec, Ontario), a French-Canadian fast-food dish consisting of french fries, cheese curds, and gravy;
Montreal hot dog; Dollar falafel (Montreal); 99 cent pizza (BC, Montreal); 'chip wagon' chips (french fries) (see especially Ottawa and Sarnia,Ontario which is known for Under the Bridge Fries) and so on.

Canadian beer; Canadian whisky; Canadian wine; The Caesar (the Bloody Caesar), etc.

Prepared Food & Beverages
Chocolate bars, kraft dinner, Canadian Pizza(Bacon, pepperoni and mushrooms), etc.

Pets de soeurs ( (lit. "nuns' farts") -- pastry dough wrapped around a brown sugar and cream filling); Matrimonial cake and pork pies (date filled desserts); Maple syrup, etc
Sea Food
Smelt, Salmon, Lobster, Atlantic Cod, Winnipeg gold-eye, etc.

Wild Game
Caribou, seal, moose, venison, bear, ptarmigan, partridge, rabbit, etc.

Savoury Foods
Beans and toast; Wild Chanterelle; Lobster; Ginger beef; Back or peameal bacon; Haddock and chips; Tourtière and pâté à la râpure (Quebec meat pies); Montreal smoked meat; Hearty breads; Pâté chinois ("Chinese pie", Quebecois shepherd's pie); Oreilles de Christ; Montreal-style bagels; Fèves au Lard; Toutins, fried bread from Newfoundland and so on.
參考: Internet
2007-11-08 7:31 pm
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