
2007-11-05 7:57 pm
我想同家人喺22/12/07至27/12/07出外旅行, 有咩地方好玩又抵玩呢?

回答 (6)

2007-11-05 9:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
短線旅行可選擇中國大陸,很多地方都開發咗,價廉物美,尤其深圳地區,若想揾多些深圳資料,可參考以下這個"深圳消費網" -- www.szentertainment.com
2007-11-13 8:22 am
2007-11-06 3:05 am

6 days is not long, you can consider going to Taiwan, China, Thailand or the cruise.

1. If you join the tour, you have to pay the extra fee for the Christmas tour. Therefore, you have to book a tour as soon as possible.

2. If you go by yourself, you can avoid the extra fee. However, a lot of tours is cheaper than packages. For example, we had been to Thailand in December. The package is more expensive than the tour and my Thai friend told me that December is a peak season in Thailand.

3. Some places are so quiet during Christmas, for example, in Europe, shopping malls are not open and the transportation facility is limited in the Public Holiday.

4. 台灣
e.g. Wingon TKH05RM 五天環島超值團 From $2199.00

It is not expensive to shop and eat in Taiwan. This tour includes hot spring, sightseeing, museum, theme park, shopping & night market. According to Wingon, 天天出發, 成本特高, you may double check the details or find a similar tour elsewhere.

5. Mainland China
a. Where I don't suggest: The northern part of China, e.g. Beijing (it's likely snow, 3 - (-7) degree), Shanghai (2 - 11 degree), Habin (15 - (-2) degree)
because it is really cold in December.
b. Suggestion: 海南島
e.g. Wingon 識食識嘆~頂級豪華之旅
海南島歡樂美食(全包宴)五天豪華直航團 (足穴按摩、熱帶植物園、南山文化旅
遊區、鹿回頭山頂公園) (HBX05X) From 1799.00

My mother had been to 海南島, she highly recommended this place. Also,
the weather is better than the northern part of China in December.

This tour includes all meals and it is a delux tour, check with Wingon or
elsewhere for a similar tour.

6. 麗星郵輪
3 days 2 nights 23/12/07 From $1399.00
4 days 2 nights 22/12/07 From $2969.00
「寶瓶星號」南中國海航 2days 1 night.
23/12/07 From $619.00 no Christmas extra fee.
「雙魚星號」南中國海航 2days 1 night.
23/12/07 From $499.00 no Christmas extra fee.

7. 泰國
A lot of tours are cheap, you may go to a 5-day tour. Check the details with the travel agent see if you like visting Bangkok, beaches, or the Great Palace, etc.
e.g. Wingon From 1499.00.
參考: Myself, Been to 麗星郵輪, 台灣, 泰國, China, etc.
2007-11-06 1:18 am
可以去 韓國 滑雪, 買個滑雪自由行, 三天滑雪還可以有兩天在首爾走走。因為韓國有兩三個滑雪場只是離開首爾個多小時
2007-11-05 10:08 pm
去哈爾濱丫, 可以欣賞雪景及冰雕. 而且價錢唔算貴.
2007-11-05 8:37 pm

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