
2007-11-05 7:21 pm
上次去左美國成half year,如果返反香港之後,

係十年旅遊visa 因我係女仔單身,so怕好難再去美國


thx jen jen...so now im staying in usa already 6 months and i will back to hk soooon so u mean i need to stay in hk within 6 months then back to usa,rite???

回答 (4)

2007-11-06 2:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案


有不少退休人仕都會到美國, 半年後出境,過一兩個月再入境。不過因為他們已經退休無工作,到美國探望兒孫被認為合理。若果你仍在工作年齡,經常在美國"旅遊"會引起思疑。入境官員可能會多問兩句。若果你答案中出現問題(如:你想在美國找份工作,與人結婚,去讀書),便可能被拒入境並取消簽證。若果你的答案合理(如:你上次到過那個及那個及那個地方,今次打算到哪個哪個及哪個地方旅行), 便沒有問題。
2007-11-11 12:30 pm
You can go back to USA as long as you did not over stay your visa!

What about your I-94 , the white form on your passport.

Usually you will be ask: why are you coming to the US?

How long do you want to stay?

After all the questioning, you will get a stamp on the I-94 form.

Sometimes, 1 month, 2 months to 6 months,

no matter how long is your visa maybe 5 years,

but if you only get 3 months to stay, you have to go back to HK within 3 months

otherwise you won't be allow to come back to USA for 3 years or 10 years if you over

stayed in the USA for more than 1 year!

P.S. I don't have Chinese software to type Chinese, I hope above information hepls you!

Good Luck!

from New York City
參考: I am Taiwanese American live in New York City USA
2007-11-05 9:56 pm
請問你上次是以什麼簽証去美國架, 如果美國領事館接証給十年你, 你任何時間都可以拉, 須要等六個月咩, 除非上次給你簽証太短拉, 通常一簽就十年(成年人) ,小童就唔知
2007-11-05 8:09 pm
first, what kind of visa you have?
if you have multi entrance visa, you can go back anytime even the next day you lift USA.

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