
2007-11-05 10:48 am


GT4 這是一個賽車遊戲, 你可以從這遊戲的名字知道GT4 是第四代了.

GT4, is a cars racing game, you can know this game is the four edition form the name "4".

do you think is it good. can you give me any idea?

回答 (6)

2007-11-05 12:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
GT4 這是一個賽車遊戲, 你可以從這遊戲的名字知道GT4 是第四代了.

GT4 is a car-racing video game. As suggested by the name, GT4 is already the fourth generation (第四代).
參考: I live and study in the US
2007-11-05 6:38 pm
GT4 -- a car-racing game, and just by its name, you can tell this is already their 4th game in the series.
2007-11-05 4:32 pm
You can better write:
GT4 is a car-racing rame. From the name of this game, you know this is the fouth generation of it.
2007-11-05 12:34 pm
GT4 is a car racing game. Guess by the name of game, the 4 is already tell you the fourth generation.

if you don't think it's good,you can ask your parents!
2007-11-05 12:05 pm
GT4 is a car-racing game, you may find this game is the forth(4th) edition by the name 4.

know係呢種情況下唔係咁岩用, 應該用realise or find更好.有發現/發覺的意思.

套返落你個句句子, 應該係....
你可以從這遊戲的名字中得知......(雖然好似同知道差唔多, 但係有分別的.)

2007-11-05 04:06:49 補充:
sorry= = 係fourth, 唔係forth.

2007-11-05 04:09:10 補充:
ya, 樓上個位用的generation會比edition更恰當/\/\
參考: myself
2007-11-05 11:26 am
GT4 is a car racing game and from the name, you can already tell this is the 4th one.

2007-11-05 04:40:32 補充:
I don't think you need "generation" or "edition" because the sentence will not be natural.

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