My mom just told me she had an abortion?

2007-11-05 5:26 am
What do i do?

I've always fancied myself as pro-choice but I just can't seem to forgive her. I feel so angry and the first thing that came to mind mind when she told me was 'baby killer!'

She was crying while we were sitting in the car and she just told me. This happend before i was born and i have no idea why she told me, but i wish she never had.

She was in her 20s, but she had me in her 20s.

回答 (12)

2007-11-05 5:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are many circumstances which could have led your mom to make such a major decision, and the fact that she was crying when she told you must give you a picture of how hard it must have been for her too. Melinda B is right--do sit down and talk to your mom about this. And whatever happens, one thing you must always remember--she is and will always be your mom, and no one can love you like she does. God bless the both of you.
2007-11-05 5:52 am
O, goodness gracious, young lady! Your mom was crying as you stated. She probably already feels like c**p about it. The fact that you have reacted the way that you have reacted is proof that you don't even know how you feel. By all means, wish away: wish she hadn't had an abortion, wish she wasn't your mother, wish you had no auditory nerves with which to attain this shocking new information. Call your mother names, in your head or otherwise. May it do you a lot of good.

Or, alternatively, you could find out why she aborted (there may be some very good reasons) by opening the conversation again, which will require some maturity and courage on your part. Further alternatives include, but are not limited to: forgiving her for anything she may have ever done in the past to anyone (including you), accepting who she is without necessarily understanding her (Mommies are People, too), and getting yourself some real ideals to replace the knee-jerk ethics you are practicing now.
2007-11-05 6:00 am
I am pro life, but at the same time, I can't find it in my heart to hold it against someone who has had an abortion. I realize the decision that they made was a difficult one, and I'm sure there was a lot of pain involved. It sounds like your mother feels terrible about it.

It's hard to picture your mother doing that, I'm sure, but I think she needs your support right now. You should try real hard to forgive her and love her regardless of the mistakes she made in the past.
2007-11-05 5:52 am
she told u because she has been living with the guilt all her life with no one else to tell.

did u ask her why she did it?? what situation she might have been in??

u could be the person to tell her that its ok i forgive u and release her from the shackles she has been living with for long time.

don't be so quick to judge honey, parents are human just like u and one day u might need her to say the words "i forgive u"
2007-11-05 7:55 am
Abortion is a very sensitive issue among both men and women. It is not easy to discuss because not everyone will show more understanding to a woman who decides to abort her baby. Despite knowing that this is hard, you must already see and realize that she is already upset about her decision in the past. When she told you, she knew that as her child she would had to express her emotions that have seemed to haunt her, to you. She is ten times more guilty than you are upset with her. As you have explained she cried and she confessed. It's not easy for a parent to admit a negative choice that they made to their child, especially when parents want to be the best role models they could. Maybe you should talk with her about this and ask her how it happened and how it has effected her in so many ways. Not only will you understand, but you will also be able to express how this issue feels to you. Remember when you communicate openly you are able to understand things a whole lot better.
2007-11-05 5:35 am
Wow I dont belive in abortions but maybe she was young. maybe she didnt have a place to go theres alot of things that could have been going on in her life at that time. I know people always say she could had the baby and gave it away yeah you go thought all that pain then give up your kid. just sit down and talk to your mother about this
2007-11-05 7:57 am
I think you should talk to your mom about it. She may carry the guilt all these time and don't know how to handle it. You're her child so she thinks she can trust you and let you know. This probably happened when she was really young and like everyone of us we make mistakes in our life and we liked other people to give us a chance, so does your mom. I don't know if your mom has any religion, yes God is against abortion, life is a miracle from God, imagine so many couples want to have a child and they can't, yet when someone is so blessed to have a child and they decided to have an abortion?? However, God also said if you truly confess of what you did and you promise you'll never commit the same sin, even you have to give your life to it, then you'll be forgive. Your mom choose to confess to you cos she really feel sorry about what she did, I think you should give her a hug and tell her to let go the past.
2007-11-05 6:26 am
You don't say how old you are and that could make a difference in responding to you. You state you're pro-choice and maybe that's why your mom thought she could tell you this.

It's not up to you to forgive your mother. Honestly, it has nothing to do with you. I can promise you this, any woman who has been faced with this dilemma has already been to hell and back without you or anyone else heaping your anger and scorn on her. Until you walk in another's shoes you would do well not to judge that person and absolutely not your very own mother.

The issue of abortion will never be resolved. Those who have no problem with it will never be persuaded to change their opinon and similarly those who oppose it will never change their minds. You are entitled to your opinion but I urge you to do some soul searching and find out what's really going on inside you that caused you to react this way.

The phrase "unconditional love" comes to mind and it's a good goal to strive for. I'm thinking your mom could have used some when she told you. As we become adults and grow up we begin to learn all sorts of things, some good and some bad and we are challenged as to how we will handle the information. Your mother is the same person she was before she told you about this. Had she never told you she would still be the same mother you've known all your life. If you are ever able to discuss this with her in an unemotional manner you might ask her why she felt she should tell you. That information along with other details about the circumstances in her life at that time should be a start for the two of you to begin to resolve the issue and strive for a stronger relationship.

I hope that you'll be able to eventually come to terms with this information and your relationship with your mother will be enriched and stronger and this issue will not be an issue any longer.

Clearly I am pro-choice and I have walked in your mother's shoes.

I send you love, light and blessings.
2007-11-05 5:45 am
I'm sorry for the news.
You need to take your mom to the Church and pray for forgiveness.
No mom has the right to kill her child (have an abortion)
This is a case God forgives after forgiveness is asked until then Hell awaits. This is the same case as people killing eachother for no reason at all.
Best of luck.
God is all fogiving the Best.
[email protected]
2007-11-07 8:30 pm
Sometimes having an abortion can haunt you for many years, and it claws at you and sometimes you just need to tell someone. I had one in February and just told my mom a week or so ago. I just blurted it out while we were sitting on the couch together watching TV. My kids were out with grandpa, and i just said it. I am sure she was shocked, but it was good to know that she fully supported me, and it really made me feel better! Just tell her that it is ok, maybe give her a hug! but don't be angry with her. Forgiveness comes from other people, and i think she is looking to you for that forgiveness. She is your mom, and did what she thought was best at that time! She forgives you, and you need to forgive her.

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