Help!!! English question

2007-11-05 6:17 am
1. The difference between Present participle phrase and Past participle phrase.
2. How can we use Being as a first word of Present/Past participle phrase sentence?
3. Please tell the difference between these sentence......
(i) Being amazed by the dome, the children were speechless
(ii) Amazed by the dome, the children were speechless

回答 (2)

2007-11-05 12:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案


形態:過去分詞 + ...
例:Disturbed by the cat, she drove it away.

現在分詞短語按時態(一般/完成)可分成兩類, 並依語態(主動/被動)而呈四個形態

形態:Having + 過去分詞 + ...(主動), Having + been + 過去分詞 + ...(主動)
例:Having killed the man, the murder escaoed.
Having done my homework, I went shopping.
* Doing my homework, I went shopping.

形態:現在分詞 + ...(主動), Being + 過去分詞 + ...(主動)
例:Being disturbed by the cat, she drove it away.
Looking out of the window, I saw Peter.
* Having looked out of the window, I saw Peter.

分詞短語依時能和語庇共分為五個形態,以動詞 to kill 為例
過去:Killed ...(被動)
完成:Having killed ...(主動), Having being killed ...(被動)
現在:Killing...(主動), Being killed...(被動)
在主動情況下,依動作先後選擇 現在/完成。
如在被動倩況下要強調動作的先後,則使用 現在/完成。

Playing in the garden, I was bitten by a snake.
* Playing in the garden, a snake bit me. (=the snake was playing in the garden when it bit me.)

1. The difference between Present participle phrase and Past participle phrase.
依 tense 和 voice 如上分辨
2. How can we use Being as a first word of Present/Past participle phrase sentence?
3. Please tell the difference between these sentence......
(i) Being amazed by the dome, the children were speechless
(ii) Amazed by the dome, the children were speechless
使用現在分詞短語的被動式(i) 強調動作的同時。
而過去分詞短語(ii) 則只表示了被動,不強調他們 amazed 後立即 speechless

2007-11-06 14:23:33 補充:
不好意思, 上面有地方打錯了.1. Having been 過去分詞 ...(主動)Being 過去分詞 ...(主動)以上兩個「主動」認該是「被動」才對2.Having being killed ...(被動)其中原本是 been 我打錯為 being3.分詞短語依時能和語庇共分為五個形態,以動詞 to kill 為例「庇」改為「態」(倉頡真麻煩!)
2007-11-06 3:51 am
Participle phrase 係將兩個句子合埋一句,意思不變,只保留一個動詞
(註:保留兩個動詞則是Relative Clause)
The Children were amazed by the dome. They were speechless.
The Children who were speechless were amazed by the dome.(Relative Clause:2個Verb)
Being amazed / Amazed by the dome, the children were speechless(P.phrase:1個Verb)

Participle phrase 做法
(1) Present Tense/ Past Tense
(a) Active 變成ing (如play/played 變成playing)
(b) Passive 變成 p.p. / being p.p. (如is/was amazed 變成 amazed / being amazed )
你的問題(3) amazed 或 being amazed 意思相同,無分別)
(2) Present Perfect Tense/ Past Perfect Tense
(a) Active 變成 having + p.p. (如 has/had played 變成having played)
(b) Passive 變成 having + been + p.p. (如 has/had been played 變成having been played)

初學者請記口缺 : 2個句子合埋一句,意思不變,保留一個動詞.Subject相同做前面(其實做後面都得,不過要落comma), Subject不相同做後面

They stood at the corner. They were waiting for a bus. (Subject相同做前面)
Standing at the corner, they were waiting for a bus.

We heard the boys. They were shouting to each other. (Subject不相同做後面 )
We heard the boys shouting to each other.

The Children were amazed by the dome. They were speechless. (Subject相同做前面)
Amazed / Being amazed by the dome, the children were speechless.

The boys was frightened by the sudden noise. They ran out of the house. (Subject相同做前面)
Frightened / Being frightened by the sudden noise. They ran out of the house.

The boy had been walking for several hours. He felt tired. (Subject相同做前面)
Having been walking for several hours, the boys felt tired.

A Bottle was washed up on the beach. She found a bottle with a message in it.
She found a bottle washed up on the beach with a message in it.


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