有關displacement reaction的問題

2007-11-04 11:26 pm
potassium, sodium and calcium metal place in copper nitrate solution is a kind of displacement reaction take place : copper metal displaced?
or just a reaction with water: produce metal hydroxide + hydrogen gas
because copper nitrate is a solution that contain water!

回答 (2)

2007-11-05 6:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你可以將 metal + H2O -> M OH + H2
諗成係metal displace左H2O入面既H+ ion,

將K / Na /Ca + 落 CuNO3 (aq)
d metal會同時displace H+同埋Cu2+,
不過因為displace H+既rate快好多,
metal好快displace晒, 所以就睇唔清楚有displace到Cu2+.
事實上係 2個reaction同時發生.

有咩唔明再問 ;]
希望幫到你 !
2007-11-05 4:24 am
The reaction must produce metal hydroxide + hydrogen gas

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