
2007-11-04 11:07 pm
Do you have the___of this brand of TV?I don't want to buy an old model.
Yes,we do.Infact,the HDTV you're looking at is___right now as the company is having a promotion this month.
What kind of___are you offering?
We're offering___the regular price.
Hmm...I was hoping for a bigger discount.I'd buy one at___.

回答 (1)

2007-11-05 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Do you have the catalogue of this brand of TV?I don't want to buy an old model.
Yes,we do.Infact,the HDTV you're looking at is very popular right now as the company is having a promotion this month.
What kind of discount are you offering?
We're offering ten percent off the regular price.
Hmm...I was hoping for a bigger discount.I'd buy one at twenty percent off or more.

2007-11-04 22:04:02 補充:
Can be:What kind of [best deal] are you offering?

2007-11-06 13:23:09 補充:

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