please show me step by step solving this equation?

2007-11-04 8:59 pm
If a man sells a chair at $285,then the loss % is 5%.Find his profit% if he increses the selling price by 20%.

回答 (4)

2007-11-04 9:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The cost price of the chair = $285 / (1-5%)
= $285/0.95
If he increases the selling price by 20%,
new selling price = 285 * (1+20%) = $342
Profit percentage = (342-300)/300 x 100%
=42/300 x 100%
2007-11-04 9:16 pm
chair cost : $285 - ( $285 * 5% ) = $285 - $14.25 = $207.75
if increses the selling price by 20% : $285*(1+20%) = $342
then the profit is : $342 - $207.75 = $134.25

2007-11-04 13:20:02 補充:
profit % = $134.25/$207.75 * 100% = 64.62%
2007-11-04 9:12 pm


2007-11-04 9:10 pm

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