Quesion to reflect on, If you do not believe, Do you trust your instincts to take you where you need to go?

2007-11-03 7:40 pm
If you have not God to go to, then are you happy where you are at? Wouldn' t you like to have someone to go to that knows the answers, We are put in this world full of sin, and there is alot of evil out there, Do you think you can do it alone?
If so what gives you the ability to fight the supernatural alone?
I already know I am going to get some off the wall answers, so if you want to be funny, it don't matter, but it is a serious question?

You wouldn't of never really been a Christian, a Believer can not suddenly not believe.


Well everyone is certainly grounded in unbelief that is answered so far, I know The Truth, and it saddens me, that so quick to turn away, Did you create yourself, Or did a bunch of different Gods get together and created you, what do you think gives you a soul, and ability to think? Some don't, before they answer this question, I asked you to reflect, but the answers must come out of no where.


Wow, unbelievable, people think they are going to save themselves.

回答 (14)

2007-11-03 7:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't trust my instincts, I have a GPS to help me get where I need to go. More figuratively, I base my choices on knowledge, not instincts...
2007-11-03 7:44 pm
Atheists don't rely on instinct.

We're capable of thought, reasoning, logical analysis.

I hope one day you will be, too.

Fight the supernatural? Are you serious. I'd better take a wooden stake and some silver bullets out with me at night... How can fighting the supernatural be a serious question? How do you stop the tooth fairy stealing your teeth?
2007-11-03 7:48 pm
Well, if I need someone to follow I don't think I want it to be someone who told Abraham to take his most beloved son up a mountain and burn him to death to prove my love.

Even though God said, "no, I was only kidding" at the end, by that time the relationship of trust and love between father and son must have been destroyed beyond therapy.
2007-11-03 7:47 pm
I'm fine were I'm at. I can't do it alone, that's why I have real Friends who don't appear in a 2000 year old fiction book.

If some Vampire wants to have a go at me I'll go all Sonny Chiba on him. Seriously what the hell do you mean by Supernatural? Daemons don't exist.
2007-11-03 7:47 pm
I think I am better off using my intellect and judgement than trusting to "feelings" about what an imaginary friend is saying. Sure, I will often be wrong, but I won't be delusional at least.
2007-11-03 7:46 pm
There is no supernatural, therefore there is no need to fight it.

Most of us atheists were christians at some point, and we quickly learned that no one out there has all the answers -- in fact, turning to god only brought up more questions. Personally, I don't want someone to give me all the answers anyway. Part of life's journey is learning those answers for yourself.

Oh, and I will agree with most of the answerers above -- following your "instincts" usually gets you into trouble. Reasoning through a situation is the best way to go.
2007-11-03 7:46 pm
I'm assuming by "god" you mean YOUR god. I have many gods that I call upon to assist me in my choices and direction in life. I don't believe in sin or in evil the way you mean. I believe in balance in all things, and the challenge day-to-day is achieving balance and maintaining it. What you call the "supernatural" I call the energies of the universe that are tangible and malleable.
2007-11-03 7:47 pm
I trust my instincts, the people I love, and my own ability to reason.

I truly don't know what you mean when you ask how we fight the supernatural alone. I've never encountered anything supernatural in my life.
2007-11-03 7:50 pm
I trust my instincts at times. At others, I rely on my intellect. When instinct and intellect work in concert, I know I am making the right choices.

I am very happy where I'm at. Life is not perfect, of course, and it has its ups and downs, but c'est la vie.. Anyone who claims to have a perfect life is lying to themselves and others.

I do not believe in such a thing as "sin" or "evil." Those two terms suggest a black and white world. The world is much more complex than that.

Do I think I can do it alone? Yes, I do. Fortunately for the time being I do not have to. I have my friends, family, husband, children to keep me company on my journey.

Fight the supernatural? LOL... You say this is a serious question and yet you ask about fighting the supernatural... OK then :)
2007-11-03 7:51 pm
I have a better question: are you so insecure that you CAN'T function without a "superior being"?

Obviously you are. Sad. Even sadder that you are under the assumption the "supernatural" and the "evil" of the world are out to destroy us all if we don't cling to said "superior being."

I, like every other rational human being on this planet, am just trying to survive, do my part in humanity, and be as good a person as I can before I die. WITHOUT a crutch -- er -- god.

Off the wall answers indeed. Maybe you should stop asking off the wall questions.
參考: Yes I AM offended by this question.
2007-11-03 8:13 pm
my gods and goddesses help me along this path we all follow.
as for being put on this world full of sin i don`t think so there is evil out there but its no devil....it is mortal men who choose to be evil and i think if you need to go it alone with out any kind of faith then as long as your honest and Noble you can do it....
2007-11-03 8:06 pm
Trust my instincts? No. I use logic, reason, and maps.

"If you have not God to go to, then are you happy where you are at?"

I became happiest in this life the moment I threw off the shackles of religion.

"Wouldn' t you like to have someone to go to that knows the answers..."

I feel better when I find out the answers for myself. Besides, I found the "answers" that religion provided to be antiquated, errant, and unsatisfying.

"We are put in this world full of sin, and there is alot of evil out there..."

Friedrich Nietzsche answered this one already, "The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad."

"Do you think you can do it alone?"

No I don't. Fortunately I have family and friends to help me when I need it. As John Lennon once said, "I get by with a little help from my friends."

"If so what gives you the ability to fight the supernatural alone?"

In my 44+ years I've never come across the supernatural, and I'm confident I never will. Therefore, no such ability required.
參考: P.S.: On the whole, the world is a beautiful and wonderful place to live.
2007-11-03 7:57 pm
Beg to differ -- the answers aren't likely to be any more off the wall than your question. A truly serious question would not refer to "fighting the supernatural," at least not without some evidence to back up such an improbable assertion.

You sound very young, and I don't mean to patronize you. But I'm middle-aged and while I've led a quiet life, I have known a taste of what you call evil (and by the way, the worst of it is not "out there" but rather "in here" -- points to her own skull). I've dealt with it as best I could, with partial success. I suppose I might have done better; or maybe we all need to make the mistakes that we're going to make. I don't know for sure either way.

All I know is, the world is real and it can really kill us if we don't keep our wits about us. We can't afford to tell ourselves fairy tales and then behave as if the fairy tales were true.
參考: Atheist.
2007-11-03 7:50 pm

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