runescape - different cabbage???

2007-11-03 9:26 pm
點解cabbage 要分開兩隻ge?? 我按“examine cabbage”都係出同一句 “Yuck, I don't like cabbage!!”ja wo,咁呢兩隻cabbage有咩分啊呢??

回答 (2)

2007-11-11 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
44 normal cabbage heals 1 hp
Message from eating normal cabbage is "You eat the cabbage,Yuck!"

5 cabbage from Draynor Manor (NOT village but north of Draynor village)
It heals 2 HP +1 DEF
Message from eating cabbage from Draynor Manor should be
"You eat the cabbage,it taste better than normal"
參考: Matthew Ho (116 level) 7 years RS player
2007-11-04 12:36 am
the (44)cabbage is fresh.
and the (5) cabbage is rotten(bad)
ther are different ga!
No.1 is can't eat ga and No.2 can eat....-.-
參考: me

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