
2007-11-03 8:29 pm
難唔難考 ?
好驚唔記得哂d野 !!

有冇人知有咩要注意 ??


仲有知唔知 make appointment 要幾耐 ?
i mean, make appointment 之後幾耐先有得考..

thanks a lot =]

回答 (2)

2007-11-09 2:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
難唔難考 ?
好多人一次就pass, 亦有好多人要考四,五次 睇吓你好唔好彩, 撞著個咩野考牌官

好驚唔記得哂d野 !!
唔好話你個是香港車牌, 我朋友在美國第二個洲過嚟都要再考呀

有冇人知有咩要注意 ??
1. 轉彎拎頭你是知道的, 但亦因為平時楂開車, 這個動作變得太麻木, 記得考試時的動作不仿大d, 你拎小一次佢都click你呀
2. 當佢叫你轉lane時, 千祈唔好立即轉, 要留意地上的線, 太接近紅綠燈或在路口千祈唔可以轉lane.
3. 好似樓上位朋友講, 當你要右轉時, 若遇上紅燈, 你先要把車停下, 再看清楚有冇人過馬路, 在安全情況下, 你要右轉la (如果當時冇人過馬路, 你又等綠燈的話, 又會話你錯的, 因為在美國, 紅燈是可以轉右的, 除非有路牌寫住 no turn on red, 咁你就一定唔可以轉)
4. 若要左轉, 應該同香港右轉一樣, 要讓對面直行車先行, 在安全情況下才可以左轉 (我相信你識la)
5. 考試要你停車在路邊, 然後直綫backup, 這個對你應該冇難度的.
6. 泊位方面, 一定比香港容易得多, 只是斜泊位, 你都冇問題啦.
7. 行車時要留意車速, 如果speed limit is 40mph, 你唔可以楂得太慢的, 你起碼要楂 35mph, 當然唔好超速la, (我哥哥試過楂32-35mph, 都比個考牌官話佢楂得慢, 唔比佢pass)

雖然d考牌官好cool, 但我地都要比d禮貌, 冇計啦, 要比個好印象佢呀!

仲有知唔知 make appointment 要幾耐 ?
i mean, make appointment 之後幾耐先有得考..
咁要睇吓你就近個dmv多唔多人la, 如果比較小人的dmv, 可能一兩日有得考, 就算遇著暑假咁多人考, 都係兩個星期左右. (depend on where you go)

p.s. 其實你唔好太緊張, 用平常心去考, 一定考到的, (千祈唔好太驕傲, d考牌官會挑剔你架), 仲有, 你比咗一次錢考筆試 (好似是$21), 如果萬一路試唔合格, 可以再考過的, 不用要重考筆試 (但要比$7), 一次筆試有三次路試的機會, 所以, 一定會考到的, 唔洗擔心la

希望答到你的問題及成為最佳答案la, 祝你一次成功
參考: 我在香港及加洲都有車牌的
2007-11-08 4:01 pm
Actually USA driving conditions is totally opposite to HK.
First in Hong Kong, when there is a red light, we must stop. However in USA even in red light , you still can
1) Make a right turn ( in the far right lane) , if there is no car coming you can go, however beware of the pedestrian. However if you go to the red light, make sure stop before the first lane, if you cannot stop at the first lane, your tester or instructor will deduct your points.
2) If you make a left turn with a green left arrowlight, you can turn left , however if the green left arrow is not presented, but the normal green light still present, you can still make a left turn, however you have to yield the opposite way cars go first, in the same time, when you wating to turn left, there maybe probably pedestrian walking on the road, make sure dont run over them.
3) When you reach an intersection, if the Stop sign presented, FULL STOP. no roll over, if not, you will fail the test ASAP. When there are two cars arrive at the same time in the stop sing, always yield to the right!
3) Up hill and down hill parking skills - Because USA is " Right up left down" , make sure if the instructor ask you to do the uphill or downhill parking, make sure the steering wheel direction is correct ( Uphill with curb - steering wheel turn LEFT) ( Uphill without curb - Steering wheel turn right ) ( Downhill - no matter with curb or not, always turn to right)
4) Make sure do the head checks
5) ALWAYS signal ( if you forgot to signal more than 3 times, test failed)
6) 3 point turn and 2 point turn ( 3 point turn with driveway) ( 2 point turn without driveway)
7) U-turn ( first slow down and signal right, than stop, signal left, look traffic, turn left)
8) Paralled Parking
9) dont go overspeed or very slow, if not points will be deducted
The test arrangement depends on where you go
If you go to the DMV or Driver license division, around 2-4 weeks
However if you go to third party to take road test, just walk in, and they will test you.
參考: DMV, my road test experiences

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